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Mesh Surfaces Appear White When FillMode = Uniform

Posted By Lance Levendowski 9 Years Ago
Lance Levendowski
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 60, Visits: 157
NMeshSurfaceSeries chart objects appear white when NMeshSurfaceSeries.FillMode is toggled from ZoneTexture to Uniform.

Do the following to reproduce the issue:
1. Run …\Nevron .NET Vision 2016.1 for VS2008\Examples\Chart\WinForm\VB.NET\Nevron.Examples.Chart.WinForm.VS2010.sln
2. Navigate to “VB.NET Examples – All Examples – Chart Gallery – Mesh Surface – General”
3. In the “Fill Mode” dropdown select “Uniform”.  Notice that the color of the surface is YellowGreen.
4. In the “Fill Mode” dropdown select “Zone Texture”.
5. In the “Fill Mode” dropdown select “Uniform”.  Notice that the color of the surface is White.

I did some testing and the Color property of the NColorFillStyle that is associated with NMeshSurfaceSeries.FillStyle does not change (i.e., NMeshSurfaceSeries.FillStyle.Color = YellowGreen even though the surface appears white in the chart).

Is there any way to avoid this behavior?

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