Setting the NChartControl.Cursor property appears to have no effect when the mouse is moved over the control during runtime.
Run the following sample code to reproduce the issue. Note that the NChartControl should use the Hand cursor, but it always uses the Default cursor.
Public Class CursorForm
Inherits Windows.Forms.Form
Private _ChartControl1 As Nevron.Chart.WinForm.NChartControl
Public Sub New()
Me.Size = New Drawing.Size(640, 480)
Me.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
Dim series As New Nevron.Chart.NBarSeries
series.BarShape = Nevron.Chart.BarShape.Bar
series.AddDataPoint(New Nevron.Chart.NDataPoint(3))
series.AddDataPoint(New Nevron.Chart.NDataPoint(1))
series.AddDataPoint(New Nevron.Chart.NDataPoint(2))
series.AddDataPoint(New Nevron.Chart.NDataPoint(5))
series.AddDataPoint(New Nevron.Chart.NDataPoint(4))
Me._ChartControl1 = New Nevron.Chart.WinForm.NChartControl
Me._ChartControl1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
Me._ChartControl1.Settings.RenderSurface = Nevron.GraphicsCore.RenderSurface.Window
'ISSUE: Setting the NChartControl.Cursor property appears to have no effect when the mouse is moved over the control during runtime.
Me._ChartControl1.Cursor = Cursors.Hand
Dim chart As Nevron.Chart.NCartesianChart = DirectCast(Me._ChartControl1.Charts(0), Nevron.Chart.NCartesianChart)
End Sub
End Class