With the new Nevron.Nov framework, few classes have been removed, such as NPrintManager and NPrintPreviewDialog. I was wondering whether the print preview is now possible? Does anyone know any examples regarding implementing a print preview?
Also, just a quick example below in VB.net of a PRINT dialog box to show up, if the success is always false or sometimes false, how do we debug this? what are the restrictions of a dialog to show or not?
Dim printDocument = New NPrintDocument()
printdocument.DocumentName = "Test Document"
Dim pd = New NPrintDialog()
pd.Collate = True
pd.PrintDocument = printDocument
Dim success = pd.RequestShow()
Dim printDocument = New NPrintDocument()
printdocument.DocumentName = "Test Document"
Dim pd = New NPrintDialog()
pd.Collate = True
pd.PrintDocument = printDocument
Dim success = pd.RequestShow()
The documentation has the following description:
public Method RequestShow Overridden. Requests for the dialog to be displayed.