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ChartControl is not being released after close due to subscribed eventhandler

Posted By Michael Krüllmann 7 Years Ago

ChartControl is not being released after close due to subscribed...

Michael Krüllmann
Posted 7 Years Ago
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we are encountering a huge memory consumption when opening and closing charts repeatedly.
After closing a chart, only a part of the allocated memory is released, so the overall memory usage rises more and more
with each opening of a chart.
We did some investigation using WinDbg and found out, that even in a simple example with just creating a chart control and
closing it the chart control is not released. We saw that it is still registered to a ShutDownStarted-event (Nevron.Chart.Wpf.NChartControl.Dispatcher_ShutdownStarted(System.Object, System.EventArgs).
I attached an example with an extra text file with some information from WinDbg (Info_WinDbg.txt).
Is there any solution? What can you recommend for best cleanup?

Thank you and best regards,
Michael Krüllmann

Attachments (403 views, 14.00 KB)
Nevron Support
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Hi Michael,
Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention - we have just released a SP that fixes this issue. You can download it from our website. Let us know if you meet any problems.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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