Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 4 Months Ago
Posts: 86,
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Hi Experts, I have a moveable Legend (using NOffserTool based Controller-Tool) where I want to save Legend-Coordinates after the Legend has been moved so that I can restore Legend position when needed. Moving the Legend works good - but I have some trouble getting the Legend position after it has been moved. The NOffsetTool offers only OnDoDrag but no EndDrag event: Within the OnDoDrag I can get the coordinates continously while the Legend is moved - but I would like to get the coordinates only when the Legend Drag has been finished. Is there a way to achieve this ? Furthermore I wonder if there is an easy way to get the Legend Coordinates in the LegendMoveTool - LocationChanged event. Present Situation: LegendMoveTool hLegendMoveTool = new LegendMoveTool(); hLegendMoveTool.LocationChanged += eventSink_OnLegendEndDrag; _NevronChart.Controller.Tools.Add(hLegendMoveTool);
where public void eventSink_OnLegendEndDrag(object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("OnLegendEndDrag"); // How can I get the Legend coordinates here - EventArgs e seems not to have them ? }and public class LegendMoveTool : Nevron.Chart.Windows.NOffsetTool{... public override void OnDoDrag(object sender, NMouseEventArgs e) { // event is fired continously when Legend is moved .... NPoint oPoint = e.Location; Console.WriteLine("OnDoDrag: X=" + oPoint.X + " / Y=" + oPoint.Y); // Coordinates of the Legends lower right corner base.OnDoDrag(sender, e); }}Thanks for your help, Best regards, Joern