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Last Active: 4 Years Ago
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Hello. I'm using the NRichTextView control to construct a 3x2 table with string data in each cell. The problem is when I extract the RTF string from the widget, I save it to a column in a SQL table, and when I subsequently push that string back to the control when opening my form, it only shows the first column of the table. Here are the properties I amusing in my code to get and set the RTF string in the NRichTextView:
Public Property Rtf As System.String Get Dim currentFormat As RichTextEdit.DocumentFormats = Me._format
Me.Format = DocumentFormats.Rtf
Using ms As System.IO.MemoryStream = Me.Stream Return _encoding.GetString(ms.ToArray) End Using
Me.Format = currentFormat
End Try End Get Set(value As System.String) Dim currentFormat As RichTextEdit.DocumentFormats = Me._format
Me.Format = RichTextEdit.DocumentFormats.Rtf Using ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(_encoding.GetBytes(value)) Me.Stream = ms End Using
Me.Format = currentFormat
End Try End Set End Property
Public Property Stream As System.IO.MemoryStream Get
Dim richTextView As Nevron.Nov.Text.NRichTextView = Me._currentView
If richTextView IsNot Nothing Then Dim currentLayout As Nevron.Nov.Text.ENTextLayout = richTextView.Content.Layout Try richTextView.Content.Layout = Me._currentLayout Dim MS As New System.IO.MemoryStream richTextView.SaveToStream(MS, Me.DocumentFormat) Return MS Finally richTextView.Content.Layout = currentLayout End Try End If
Return Nothing End Get Set(value As System.IO.MemoryStream)
If value IsNot Nothing Then
Dim richTextView As Nevron.Nov.Text.NRichTextView = Me._currentView
If richTextView IsNot Nothing Then richTextView.Content.Sections.Clear() richTextView.LoadFromStream(value, Me.DocumentFormat) Me._currentLayout = richTextView.Content.Layout
If Me._navigation = NavigationView.None Then 'When displaying the plain control, display the contents in web view so scrollbars, etc. work properly. richTextView.Content.Layout = Nevron.Nov.Text.ENTextLayout.Web End If
End If
End If
End Set End Property
It doesn't matter if I construct the table programatically or in the GUI the result is the same. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening? The encoding is UTF8. Any hints would be appreciated.
Tom G.