Hi Experts,
I have a NHeatMapSeries plot which looks like:I have added NAxisConstLines for the X-Axis in the following way:
//--- Grid: Add constlines between single fields of HeatMap
if (true) {
for (int iX = (centerX * -1); iX < centerX; iX++) {
NAxisConstLine oBoarderLine = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ConstLines.Add();
oBoarderLine.StrokeStyle.Color = Color.SteelBlue;
oBoarderLine.StrokeStyle.Width = new NLength(2.0f);
oBoarderLine.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(new NArgbColor(255, Color.SteelBlue));
oBoarderLine.Value = iX;
How can I bring these Lines to a topmost plot level so that they appear visible over the heatmap ?
Thanks for your help,
best regards,