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I currently have Nevron Diagram for .NET version This is several years old. Can you provide me with a list of new features that are in the current version compared to this one. Given this list I may want to upgrade.
Thanks, Ashley
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We recommend you consider migrating to our new diagramming component - NOV Diagram. That's where we put most of our efforts. Our new diagramming component includes many more features and improvements compared to the old one like: - Importing and exporting Visio Drawings and Stencils
- Multi-page drawings, support for Visio-like themes
- Much better architecture and user interface, including ribbon, improved dialogs and UI themes
- Many more shapes, including smart shapes
- AutoCAD DXF export and soon AutoCAD import
- Much better rich text support - you basically get a fully featured rich text editor (like Microsoft Word) inside each shape
- Cross-platform support - using NOV Diagram you can create diagramming applications for both Windows and macOS from a single codebase
- Many more features and improvements, for more information check out NOV Diagram's official page
Please note that the old diagram component will not receive any new features, only bug fixes. New features and improvements will be added only to our new diagramming component - NOV Diagram. Here's a list with the new features and improvements in our old diagramming component Nevron Diagram for .NET since your version from 2012: - Automatic layouts improvements
- Various performance and stability improvements
- Bug fixes
- Hardware accelerated rendering - both the Chart and Diagram controls in the suite have been extended to support hardware accelerated rendering. In addition both controls feature additional performance improvements. This makes them ideal for high-speed data acquisition software, oscilloscopes, signal analyzers, scientific charting, GIS, medical, Big Data BI and other real-time data visualization applications.
- Fine-tuned ThinWeb interactivity - ThinWeb Chart and Diagram controls interactivity has been slightly improved with the addition of better mouse capture functionality and new interactivity tools.
- Some of the major updates and improvements of Nevron Map for .NET (part of Nevron Diagram for .NET)
- Refined and improved API for working with maps, map data and ESRI shapefiles
- Improved rendering of map arcs (i.e. parallels and meridians)
- Additional properties for configuring the appearance of map arcs and their labels
- Improved rendering of map labels
- Ability to change the appearance of the map labels without reimporting the map
- Improved polygon labelling algorithm, which results in nicer labeling of map polygon features like countries, states, lakes, etc.
- Ability to choose the method to use for polygon labeling, the options being: BoundsCenter, Centroid and Optimal
- Improved Orthographic map projection
- Improved map data binding API
- Performance improvements in map import and data binding
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team