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How to place text inside a shapefile for Nevron diagram

Posted By Kirk Kanjian 4 Years Ago
Kirk Kanjian
Problem Posted 4 Years Ago
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I am using Nevron Nthin Diagram control and the text on the shapefile is getting cut off when displayed.
I want to know how can i make a text fit to the shapefile without getting cutting off so it sits at the center of the shapefile and takes height and width as per the space available.

I am using the following code to manipulate the text on the shapefile.

       Dim s as Nshape
       Dim textSize As Single
       textSize = 10
       Dim textStyle As New NTextStyle
       textStyle = s.ComposeTextStyle()
       textStyle.FontStyle = New NFontStyle("Arial", textSize)
       NStyle.SetTextStyle(s, textStyle)

Please find below the image which shows the text in the shapefile is cut off.

Nevron Support
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hello Kirk,

Thank you for the screenshot, but we don't see the clipped text. Can you please make a screenshot of the whole browser window and then mark the shape whose text is clipped so that we can easily see it?

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Kirk Kanjian
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Below are 2 images. The first shows the size of the shape does not matter. The text is being cut off. I have experience this in Crystal Reports. It happen there when you have to define the Line Spacing. If that is defined smaller than the font size, it gets cut off. I am unable to find the same function in the diagram control.
The second image is the way it looks in the actual application.
Please let me know if any additional information will help.

Nevron Support
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hello Kirk.

Thank you for the screenshots. Have you tried making the font size smaller? In your code from the first post you use font size of 10pt, please try using font size of 8pt and let us know if it makes any difference.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Kirk Kanjian
Posted 4 Years Ago
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A smaller font size does show the entire character, however it is not readable under the normal view.

Nevron Support
Posted 4 Years Ago
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We recommend you scale up the whole diagram, for example by making all shapes 20% larger and increasing the spacing between them accordingly.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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