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Last Active: 5 Years Ago
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Hi Team, I want to convert coordinates from the control perspective to coordinates from the chart perspective. I know how to do this with cartesian chart, but I have no idea on how to do this with polar chart. to be more specific, NCartesianChart chart1 = new NCartesianChart(); nChartControl.Charts.Add(chart1); NPolarChart chart2 = new NPolarChart(); nChartControl.Charts.Add(chart2);
// I know how to do this NVector2DD ViewToCartesianScale(in MouseEventArgs e) { NViewToScale2DTransformation view2Scale = new NViewToScale2DTransformation(chart1, (int)StandardAxis.PrimaryX, (int)StandardAxis.PrimaryY); NVector2DD cartesianCoord = new NVector2DD(); view2Scale.Transform(new NPointF(e.X, e.Y), ref cartesianCoord); return cartesianCoord; }
// I want to know void ViewToPolarScale(in MouseEventArgs e, out double angle, out double radius) { ?? }