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I am building a custom library of shapes so that the user can drag and drop them onto the grid. I would like to build a shape that is a line that has the endpoints so that the user can resize the line after it is dropped on the grid. It should work similar to the Alternative Branch 1 in the Decision Tree Shapes library. Below is my code that is used to draw the shape but it does not contain the handles to resize the line or reposition the ends of the line. Also I need to turn off the rotation circle. Thanks, Ashley Private Function DrawFillet4() As Nevron.Nov.Diagram.NShape
Dim FilletShape As Nevron.Nov.Diagram.NShape = New Nevron.Nov.Diagram.NShape()
Dim TopMoveTo As NMoveTo = New NMoveTo(0, 0) TopMoveTo.ShowFill = False
FilletShape.Geometry.Add(TopMoveTo) FilletShape.Geometry.LineTo(300, 0)
'FilletShape.AllowRotate = False 'FilletShape.AllowResizeX = False 'FilletShape.AllowResizeY = False
Dim StrokeFillet As NStroke = New NStroke() StrokeFillet.Width = 3 StrokeFillet.Color = New NColor(pnlSymbolColor.BackColor.R, pnlSymbolColor.BackColor.G, pnlSymbolColor.BackColor.B)
FilletShape.Geometry.Stroke = StrokeFillet
Return FilletShape
End Function
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Hello, You can use the following code to create a shape identical to "Alternative Branch 1" of the "Decision Tree Shapes" library. Just pass a new shape to the method and it will configure it and add the necessary geometry primitives. You can also set the width and the height of the shape. Private Shared Sub InitAlternativeBranch1(ByVal shape As NShape) shape.Init1DShape(EN1DShapeXForm.Vector) shape.EndX = 200 shape.Height = 0 Dim geometry As NGeometry = shape.Geometry
If True Then Dim plotFigure As NMoveTo = geometry.RelMoveTo(0R, 0.5R) geometry.RelLineTo(1R, 0.5R) plotFigure.CloseFigure = False geometry.ClipWithTextBlock = ENGeometryClipWithShapeBlock.Clip End If
Dim textBlock As NTextBlock = New NTextBlock() textBlock.ResizeMode = ENTextBlockResizeMode.TextSize textBlock.SetFx(NTextBlock.AngleProperty, "-ATAN2($Parent.EndY - $Parent.BeginY, $Parent.EndX - $Parent.BeginX)") shape.TextBlock = textBlock End Sub
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team
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Thanks for the answer. Can you explain the following code. I am not sure how this works. Especially the geometry.RelMoveTo(0R, 0.5R). How would this know to make the line 200?
If True Then Dim plotFigure As NMoveTo = geometry.RelMoveTo(0R, 0.5R) geometry.RelLineTo(1.0R, 0.5R) plotFigure.CloseFigure = False geometry.ClipWithTextBlock = ENGeometryClipWithShapeBlock.Clip End If
Thanks, Ashley
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Hi Ashley, Relative drawing commands draw geometry primitives on coordinates relative to the shape size. For X, it's relative to shape width (x = relX * shapeWidth) and for Y it's relative to shape height (y = relY * shapeHeight). For example if shape Width is 200, then a relative X coordinate of 0.25, means 50, relative X coordinate of 0.5 means 100 and relative X coordinate of 1 means 200. For more information about shape geometries, please check out the following documentation topic: NOV Diagram Shape Geometry
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team
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In continuing to build out my library how would I programmatically add the Text Box (as in the Annotation Shapes) to my library. In doing this I would like to pre populate the text of my choosing along with my choice to either include the border or not to include the border.
Thanks, Ashley
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Hi Ashley, You can use the following code to create a text shape: Private Function CreateTextShape(ByVal defaultText As String) As NShape Dim shape As NShape = New NShape() shape.Init2DShape() shape.Width = 80 shape.Height = 60 shape.LocPinX = 0 shape.LocPinY = 1 Dim geometry As NGeometry = shape.Geometry
If True Then geometry.Fill = Nothing Dim plotFigure As NMoveTo = geometry.MoveTo("0", "Height") geometry.LineTo("Width", "Geometry.0.Y") geometry.LineTo("Geometry.1.X", "0") geometry.LineTo("0", "0") geometry.LineTo("Geometry.0.X", "Geometry.0.Y") plotFigure.CloseFigure = True End If
Dim textBlock As NTextBlock = New NTextBlock() textBlock.Text = defaultText textBlock.ResizeMode = ENTextBlockResizeMode.ShapeWidthTextHeight shape.TextBlock = textBlock Return shape End Function
You can then create a library item and add it to a library view like this:
Dim textShape As NShape = CreateTextShape("My Text") Dim libraryItem As NLibraryItem = New NLibraryItem(textShape, "Text", Nothing) libraryView.Content.Items.Add(libraryItem)
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team