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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
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I am building a custom library of shapes so that the user can drag and drop them onto the grid. I would like to build a shape that is a line that has the endpoints so that the user can resize the line after it is dropped on the grid. It should work similar to the Alternative Branch 1 in the Decision Tree Shapes library. Below is my code that is used to draw the shape but it does not contain the handles to resize the line or reposition the ends of the line. Also I need to turn off the rotation circle. Thanks, Ashley Private Function DrawFillet4() As Nevron.Nov.Diagram.NShape
Dim FilletShape As Nevron.Nov.Diagram.NShape = New Nevron.Nov.Diagram.NShape()
Dim TopMoveTo As NMoveTo = New NMoveTo(0, 0) TopMoveTo.ShowFill = False
FilletShape.Geometry.Add(TopMoveTo) FilletShape.Geometry.LineTo(300, 0)
'FilletShape.AllowRotate = False 'FilletShape.AllowResizeX = False 'FilletShape.AllowResizeY = False
Dim StrokeFillet As NStroke = New NStroke() StrokeFillet.Width = 3 StrokeFillet.Color = New NColor(pnlSymbolColor.BackColor.R, pnlSymbolColor.BackColor.G, pnlSymbolColor.BackColor.B)
FilletShape.Geometry.Stroke = StrokeFillet
Return FilletShape
End Function