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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
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I ' m trying to get a line study -- specifically , a trend line , using the NTrendLine class -- into my WPF application which uses Nevron Chart for WPF . In looking through the VS2019 example code that ships with the product , I noticed that the WinForms version of the examples has an entire category of samples for Line Studies , but that the WPF version of the examples has no line studies code . Does this mean that the WPF product does not support line studies ?
Group: Forum Members
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Hi , The WPF chart is identitcal in functionality to the WinForms chart . This means that all code regarding line studies should be working in the WPF chart as well - the WPF examples jush show the major features of the control and we felt that it is not mandatory to replicate every example for WinForms there .& nbsp ; We hope this helps - let us know if you meet any problems or have any questions .
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team