Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 4 Years Ago
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I have the following code which exports to a PNG format. I want to export to Bitmap but I cannot find the NBitmapEncoderSettings class to reference. How can I use the coding method below to export to a bitmap?
// Configure the decoder NPngEncoderSettings ImgPngEncoder = new NPngEncoderSettings(); ImgPngEncoder.ColorType = ENPngColorType.TrueColorWithAlpha; ImgPngEncoder.CompressionLevel = Nevron.Nov.Compression.ENCompressionLevel.BestCompression;
// Export To Stream NDrawingRasterImageExporter ImgRasterExporter = new Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Export.NDrawingRasterImageExporter((Nevron.Nov.Diagram.NDrawingDocument)DrawNOV.View.Content.OwnerDocument); ImgRasterExporter.SaveToStream(MemStrPng, ImgRasterExporter.GetDocumentContentBounds(), 300, NImageFormat.Png, ImgPngEncoder);
MemStrPng.Position = 0;
// Save To file MemStrPng.WriteTo(new FileStream(@"C:\AD_ATF\AD15.png", FileMode.Create));
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To export the active page of a drawing to a bitmap ( BMP ) file , you can use the following code : NDrawingRasterImageExporter imageExporter = new NDrawingRasterImageExporter(drawingView.Content); using (Stream stream = File.Create(@"C:\ExportedImage.bmp")) { imageExporter.SaveToStream(stream, NImageFormat.Bmp); }
NDrawingRasterImageExporter imageExporter = new NDrawingRasterImageExporter(drawingView.Content);
using (Stream stream = File.Create(@"C:\ExportedImage.bmp"))
imageExporter.SaveToStream(stream, NImageFormat.Bmp);
For more information on raster image exports of NOV Diagram , please take a look at the following documentation topic : Drawing Raster Image Export
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team