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I am migrating from Diagram .NET to Diagram NOV. The code below is what I used to customize the menu of Diagram .NET. I want to customize the menu the same way for Diagram NOV NDrawingViewWithCommandBarsControl. I have looked at the examples but I cannot figure out how to access the menu and toolbars. Can you provide me with an equivalent example based on the code below to customize the NDrawingViewWithCommandBarsControl.
Thanks, Ashley
NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(0).Hide() NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(1).Hide() NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(2).Hide()
NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(3).Hide() NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(4).Hide() NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(5).Hide()
NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(6).Hide() NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(7).Hide()
NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(3).Show() NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(3).Moveable = False NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(3).AllowReset = False NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(3).HasPendantCommand = False
ColHold = New Collection
For Each X As Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NCommand In NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(3).Commands
If X.ToString.ToLower = "start arrowhead style..." Then ColHold.Add(X) End If
If X.ToString.ToLower = "end arrowhead style..." Then ColHold.Add(X) End If
If X.ToString.ToLower = "bridge style..." Then ColHold.Add(X) End If
If X.ToString.ToLower = "interactivity style..." Then ColHold.Add(X) End If
For Each X As Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NCommand In ColHold
NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(6).Show() NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(6).Moveable = False NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(6).AllowReset = False NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(6).HasPendantCommand = False
ColHold = New Collection
For Each X As Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NCommand In NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(6).Commands
'If X.ToString.ToLower = "connector tool" Then ' ColHold.Add(X) 'End If
For Each X As Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NCommand In ColHold
NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(4).Show() NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(4).Moveable = False NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(4).AllowReset = False NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(4).HasPendantCommand = False
ColHold = New Collection
For Each X As Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NCommand In NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(4).Commands
If X.ToString.ToLower = "connector tool" Then ColHold.Add(X) End If
For Each X As Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NCommand In ColHold
NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(2).Show() NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(2).Moveable = False NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(2).AllowReset = False NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(2).HasPendantCommand = False
ColHold = New Collection
For Each X As Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NCommand In NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(2).Commands
If X.ToString.ToLower = "pan and zoom" Then ColHold.Add(X) End If
If X.ToString.ToLower = "property browser" Then ColHold.Add(X) End If
If X.ToString.ToLower = "library browser" Then ColHold.Add(X) End If
If X.ToString.ToLower = "status bar" Then ColHold.Add(X) End If
For Each X As Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NCommand In ColHold
NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(4).RowIndex = 1 NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(2).RowIndex = 1 NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(3).RowIndex = 2 NDiagramCommandBarsManager1.Toolbars(6).RowIndex = 2
Me.NDrawingView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
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Hello , Please take a look at the following documentation topic for information how to customize and remove commands from the NOV Diagram command bar ' s UI : NOV Diagram Command BarsIf you decide to use the ribbon , you can also use the WinForms designer to hide commands or ribbon tabs : NOV Diagram RibbonLet us know if you have any questions .
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team
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Last Active: 4 Years Ago
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How do I access the ToolBarBuilders and the MenuDropDownBuilders from the NDrawing ViewWithCommandBarsControl ?& nbsp ; & nbsp ; I cannot find where these are accessible from the NDrawing ViewWithCommandBarsControl .& nbsp ; Also how do I get the & nbsp ; NCommandBarUIBuilder& nbsp ; that is associated with my NDrawing ViewWithCommandBarsControl that is on my form ? The help file says the following:
Modifying Builder CollectionsIf you want to remove a given toolbar or menu from the builders , you can easily do so by using the & nbsp ; Remove& nbsp ; method of the & nbsp ; ToolBarBuilders& nbsp ; and & nbsp ; MenuDropDownBuilders& nbsp ; collection of the diagram command bar builder respectively . You can get or remove builders by name . The names of all & nbsp ; diagram menu and toolbar builders are exposed as constants in the & nbsp ; NDiagramCommandBarBuilder& nbsp ; class .& nbsp ; For example , to remove the & nbsp ;" File " menu and the " Standard " toolbar of a command bars based diagram UI , you can use the following piece of code : Remove Toolbar and Menu Builders | Copy Code |
commandBarBuilder.MenuDropDownBuilders.Remove(NDiagramCommandBarBuilder.MenuFileName);commandBarBuilder.ToolBarBuilders.Remove(NDiagramCommandBarBuilder.ToolbarStandardName); |
In order to add or insert your own toolbar or menu drop down builder , you can use the & nbsp ; Add& nbsp ; or & nbsp ; Insert& nbsp ; methods of the corresponding builder collection respectively . Add Custom Toolbar and Menu Builders | Copy Code |
commandBarBuilder.MenuDropDownBuilders.Insert(1, new CustomMenuBuilder());commandBarBuilder.ToolBarBuilders.Insert(0, new CustomToolBarBuilder()); |
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Hello , If you are using the WinForms designer and the NDrawingViewWithCommandBars controls , it ' s not possible to access the command builders , because they already have built the commanding UI . To access and modify the command bar builders , create the drawing view and the commanding UI via code by using the NDiagramCommandBarBuilder class . The sample code below creates a drawing view, then creates a command bar UI around it using the NDiagramCommandBarBuilder class and removes the View menu and the View toolbar builders . C# Code
NDrawingView drawingView = new NDrawingView();
NDiagramCommandBarBuilder builder = new NDiagramCommandBarBuilder(); builder.MenuDropDownBuilders.Remove(NDiagramCommandBarBuilder.MenuViewName); builder.ToolBarBuilders.Remove(NDiagramCommandBarBuilder.ToolbarViewName);
NWidget commandBarUI = builder.CreateUI(drawingView);
NNovWidgetHost<NWidget> host = new NNovWidgetHost<NWidget>(commandBarUI); host.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Controls.Add(host); NDrawingView drawingView = new NDrawingView();
NDiagramCommandBarBuilder builder = new NDiagramCommandBarBuilder();
NWidget commandBarUI = builder.CreateUI(drawingView);
NNovWidgetHost<NWidget> host = new NNovWidgetHost<NWidget>(commandBarUI);
host.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
Visual Basic Code Dim drawingView As NDrawingView = New NDrawingView()
Dim builder As NDiagramCommandBarBuilder = New NDiagramCommandBarBuilder() builder.MenuDropDownBuilders.Remove(NDiagramCommandBarBuilder.MenuViewName) builder.ToolBarBuilders.Remove(NDiagramCommandBarBuilder.ToolbarViewName)
Dim commandBarUI As NWidget = builder.CreateUI(drawingView)
Dim host As NNovWidgetHost(Of NWidget) = New NNovWidgetHost(Of NWidget)(commandBarUI) host.Dock = DockStyle.Fill Controls.Add(host) Dim drawingView As NDrawingView = New NDrawingView()
Dim builder As NDiagramCommandBarBuilder = New NDiagramCommandBarBuilder()
Dim commandBarUI As NWidget = builder.CreateUI(drawingView)
Dim host As NNovWidgetHost(Of NWidget) = New NNovWidgetHost(Of NWidget)(commandBarUI)
host.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team