Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 3 Years Ago
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Hi , I have this implementation where I use NGroup to group NShapes and NRoutableConnectors . However , when I try to move the NGroup , the NRoutableConnectors does not move in sync with the NShapes . Any possible solution regarding this problem ?
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Month
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Hello Paul , You need to " glue " the connector to the group . You can glue the connector to several parts of a group / shape i . e . port or shape / group contour etc . Here is small code example : NGroup group = new NGroup (); NRoutableConnector routableConnector = new NRoutableConnector (); // glue to shape contour routableConnector . GlueBeginToShape ( group ); // or routableConnector . GlueEndToShape ( group ); // glue to port routableConnector . GlueBeginToNearestPort ( group ); // or routableConnector . GlueEndToNearestPort ( group ); Please , check NShape class in our documentation& nbsp ; to find other options to glue a connector to a shape or group .
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team