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LineChart Yaxis precision

Posted By Saiprabhu Rajendran Last Year
Saiprabhu Rajendran
Posted Last Year
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Last Active: 7 Months Ago
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The Line chart as auto label set to true.
Y-Axis data = 21.2333,22.23555,22.30000,21.35555....
I have used NLinearScaleConfigurator with autolabel set to true.
Expectation : To show label in Y-axis min = 21.233 to 23.2544
Current result : 21.000 to 23.000
I have an issue: the Y axis label shows value in three precision.
NLinearScaleConfigurator yDateScale = new NLinearScaleConfigurator();
this.ScaleConfigYAxis = yDateScale;
yDateScale.LabelValueFormatter.FormatSpecifier = "N3";

Please any one help us to how to set Y-axis with precision.

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Forum Post LineChart Yaxis precision By Saiprabhu Rajendran ( Last Year )

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