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NShape TextBlock Desired Width and Height is 0

Posted By Jan Cruz 2 Months Ago
Jan Cruz
Problem Posted 2 Months Ago
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Hi Nevron Support,

I would like to ask why does the Desired Width and Height of my NTextBlock was set to 0?
How do I properly get the actual desired width and height of the NTextBlock with reference to the Text data.

I feel like I am missing something here.
I have attached below the snippet of my implementation:

Current NOV Version used is

Kindly advise if you know the issue.
Thank you very much!

Nevron Support
Posted 2 Months Ago
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Hi Jan,

When do you inspect the desired width and height of the text block? Maybe it hasn't been calculated, yet.

Please tell us what is your goal and we will advise you how to implement it.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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