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Shadow disappears when zooming in

Posted By Jan Cruz Last Month
Jan Cruz
Problem Posted Last Month
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Hi Nevron Support,

I have this issue where I set the shadow programmatically with these settings:

When page is zoomed out, NRoutableConnector shadow is visible:

But when zooming in, the shadow disappears:

It appears again when I click the line.

If you have any idea how to fix this isssue, please let me know.
Btw, NOV version used is

Thank you very much.

Nevron Support
Posted Last Month
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Hi Jan,

We couldn't reproduce the issue with the disappearing shadow with the latest version of Nevron Open Vision - 24.1 (build Please consider upgrading to the latest version of Nevron Open Vision and let us know if the problem persists.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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