Hi Gary,
Sorry for the delayed responce.
Regarding sorting, the problem is that now the dates are presented as strings and the are sorted as strings.
To fix this you should create a new class that represent short formatted date item and also you should made small modifications of the class that you create earlier.
The new class should looks like this:
Class NTreeListNodeShortDateTimeSubItem Inherits NTreeListNodeDateTimeSubItem Public Overrides ReadOnly Property DisplayValue() As String Get Return CDate(Value).ToShortDateString() End Get End PropertyEnd
Classand now MyNTreeListTableData should looks like the following:
Class MyNTreeListTableData Inherits NTreeListTableData Protected Overrides Function CreateSubItem(ByVal value As Object) As Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NTreeListNodeSubItem Dim item As NTreeListNodeSubItem = MyBase.CreateSubItem(value) If value.GetType() Is GetType(DateTime) Then item =
New NTreeListNodeShortDateTimeSubItem() TryCast(item, NTreeListNodeShortDateTimeSubItem).Value = value End If Return item End FunctionEnd
ClassThese changes should fix the sorting problem.
Sorry that I didn't foresee it at the beginning.
Regarding selection retrieving you should attach to ItemNotify event and check for the appropriate notify code.
Again, here is an example:
Sub NTreeList1_ItemNotify(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal data As NLightUIItemNotifyData) Handles NTreeList1.ItemNotify If data.NotifyCode = NTreeList.ItemLabelDoubleClickNotifyCode Then MessageBox.Show(
TryCast(data.Sender, NTreeListNode).SubItems(0).RawData) End IfEnd SubThe drawback here is that you cannot determine on which column is clicked, so you have to know which columns data you want to retreve. At the example above this should be the first one (SubItems(0)).
I hope this will helps.
Along with the documentation you can check the example application provided in the instalation that shows how to use the most common functionality of our UI controls.