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Last Active: 14 Years Ago
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Ok. It works! ... But note that documentation file is out of date.
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Last Active: 6 Months Ago
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Hi José, The AddCustom axis has been moved to the NCartesianAxisCollection (as some axis collections do not support custom axes, with the same parameters). To add a custom axis to a cartesian chart you can use the following code: Dim chart As NChart = NChartControl1.Charts(0) Dim axis As NAxis axis = CType(chart.Axes, NCartesianAxisCollection).AddCustomAxis(AxisOrientation.Vertical, AxisDockZone.TopLeft)
Hope this helps - let me know if you meet any problems...
Best regards, Bob
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 14 Years Ago
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I've just updated to version Q1 2010 of Nevron WinForm Chart. When I try to rebuild a code made with version Q2 2008, I've discovered the following error message:
'AddCustomAxis' is not a member of 'Nevron.Chart.NAxisCollection'
This is due to the following lines of code:
dim Grafico1 as NChart Grafico1 = ControlChart.Chart(0)
Dim EjeY as NAxis EjeY = Grafico1.Axes.AddCustomAxis(AxisOrientation.Vertical, AxisDockZone.TopLeft)
When I've revised the code, this method does not exist.
My question is: how to add a custom axis to a chart?