Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 12 Years Ago
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What file format will save in smallest size? Which format operate faster?
How to choose between these format?
I have a scenario need to work out for the layout save. assuming the save was done in previous session:
- If I load layout back to my winform, my content will probably not load as well right?
- So should I recreated all contents and managers first then load layout. or the other way around?
- Further more, if I have nested managers then I need to load them from inside or from the outside?
"You should give unique string keys to each panel and NControlHost instances for the persistency to work properly."
What actually panel.ID is design for? sometimes I could not get correct value for this ID.
key is not the same as the ID?
How get to NControlHost - if you have manager, panel, and document?