Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 14 Years Ago
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I'm using the diagram component to produce org charts from a database, and overall it's working well. One issue I'm having however, is in trying to keep the chart as compact as possible, horizontally. In most cases setting the diagram's layout to tipover with the following code works fine, producing vertically oriented trees:
tipOverLayout.LeafsPlacement = TipOverChildrenPlacement.ColRight
For some sub-organizations however, the result is too horizontal. The situation arises when you have a department where some, but not all of the staff have employees assigned. For example:
Manager Resource1 Resource2 Resource3 Resource3a Resource3b Resource4
In this case what I need is pretty much what you see above, but what is produced is a sub-tree where all the resources are arrayed horizontally instead of vertically, with the Resource3a and 3b vertically beneath their parent node.
Basically I want to apply tipOverLayout.ChildrenPlacement = TipOverChildrenPlacement.ColRight but only to sub-trees that have a mix of childless and parent sub-nodes. I can't figure out how to do this either in code or from the commandbars interface. Is it at all possible?
Also, I'm using NTableShapes to display the nodes, and would like some of the cells to display the text rotated 90 degrees, is there a way to do this?
Thanks! Eric