I have an NForm with an (NTabPage) tabbed interface, on a NTabPage control I have a main NUIPanel containing: a set of NBands and another NUIPanel (docked) containing the splitter and a few more controls. On the first time the user goes to this tab I need the splitter to move to adjust the size and positions of the controls (tied to the resize event of the NUIPanel host – which the SplitterMoved(object sender, SplitterEventArgs e) event calls).
Resizing the NBands container and/or the Docked NUIPanel have no effect at all – Moving the splitter with the mouse works, so… I need to move the splitter!
Given the code behind the provided C# example application for the NSplitter control, I thought this would do it:
int lefty = (this.npnlFixturesMain.Width - (this.npnlFixturesMain.Width / 4));
this.nSplitterFixtures.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(lefty, 0);
But, clearly, I didn’t understand…
Can someone please point me to (or post) an example of how to programmatically move a splitter bar on a form?
Thank you!