Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 13 Years Ago
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I need to plot data in log scale (y-axis, lineseries). My data often contains zeros. I've noticed that when this is the case, the y-axis behaves badly. When there is a zero, the minimum value is set to 1.
When all values are smaller than 1 this fails badly (see example)
var rand = new Random(); var rand_seq = Enumerable.Repeat(0, 100).Select(i => rand.NextDouble()).ToArray(); rand_seq[20] = 0; var chart = new NCartesianChart(); nChartControl1.Charts.Add(chart); var line = new NLineSeries(); line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false; chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).ScaleConfigurator = new NLogarithmicScaleConfigurator();
chart.Series.Add(line); line.Values.FillFromEnumerable(rand_seq); nChartControl1.Refresh();
Also, when using larger values than 1, it seems that the value of log(0) is simply set to 1. This tricks the user into believeing that the data point is 1 instead of zero. What I would like, is a solution where points neighboring log(0) simply are plot with a vertical line (i.e. simulating minus infinity).
Is there any way to achieve this?
best regards
Fredrik Östlund