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Connectors are missing but Text of the connectors are appearing on the Diagram

Posted By kanakaraju tadimati 14 Years Ago

Connectors are missing but Text of the connectors are appearing on the...

kanakaraju tadimati
Posted 14 Years Ago
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I am building a tree dynamically. Am creating and positioning the shapes 1st and then am trying to connect them.
Shapes are appearing in the expected positions, but connectors are nor appearing.
Interesting part is, Text provided to the connectors are appearing.
Please find the code below that I have used.

private void FormTree(List QuestionList)
String ContainerStyle = String.Empty;
Queue QuestionQueue = new Queue();
List ChildQuestions = new List();
Dictionary QuestionBoundsShape = new Dictionary();
QuestionBounds QuestionInst;

while (QuestionQueue.Count != 0)
QuestionInst = QuestionQueue.Dequeue();

switch (QuestionInst.Question.ContainerShapeCode)
case 18:
ContainerStyle = "STARTEND";
case 0:
ContainerStyle = "ACTION";
case 1:
ContainerStyle = "QUESTION";
//Creating Shape
NShape start = CreateFlowChartingShape(QuestionInst.Question.ContainerShapeCode, QuestionInst.Bounds, QuestionInst.Question.Question, ContainerStyle);

var ParentShapeA = from n in QuestionBoundsShape
where n.Key.Case_Questions_ID == QuestionInst.Question.ParentQuestion
select n.Value;

NShape[] ParentShape = ParentShapeA.ToArray();
QuestionBoundsShape.Add(QuestionInst.Question, start);

ChildQuestions = GetChildren(QuestionList, QuestionInst.Question.Case_Questions_ID);
foreach (var Question in ChildQuestions)

//Code to create connectors

foreach (var Question in QuestionBoundsShape)
var ParentShapeA = from n in QuestionBoundsShape
where n.Key.Case_Questions_ID == Question.Key.ParentQuestion
select n.Value;

NShape[] ParentShape = ParentShapeA.ToArray();

if (ParentShape.Length > 0)
CreateConnector(ParentShape[0], "Bottom", Question.Value, "Top", ConnectorType.TopToBottom, Question.Key.YesorNo);



//Method to create connectors
protected NShape CreateConnector(NShape fromShape, string fromPortName, NShape toShape, string toPortName, ConnectorType connectorType, string text)
// check arguments
if (fromShape == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("fromShape");

if (toShape == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("toShape");

NPort fromPort = (fromShape.Ports.GetChildByName(fromPortName, 0) as NPort);
if (fromPort == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Was not able to find fromPortName in the ports collection of the fromShape", "fromPortName");

NPort toPort = (toShape.Ports.GetChildByName(toPortName, 0) as NPort);
if (toPort == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Was not able to find toPortName in the ports collection of the toShape", "toPortName");

// create the connector
NShape connector = null;
switch (connectorType)
case ConnectorType.Line:
connector = new NLineShape();

case ConnectorType.Bezier:
connector = new NBezierCurveShape();

case ConnectorType.SingleArrow:
connector = new NArrowShape(ArrowType.SingleArrow);

case ConnectorType.DoubleArrow:
connector = new NArrowShape(ArrowType.DoubleArrow);

case ConnectorType.SideToTopBottom:
connector = new NStep2Connector(false);

case ConnectorType.TopBottomToSide:
connector = new NStep2Connector(true);

case ConnectorType.SideToSide:
connector = new NStep3Connector(false, 50, 0, true);

case ConnectorType.TopToBottom:
connector = new NStep3Connector(true, 50, 0, true);

case ConnectorType.DynamicHV:
connector = new NRoutableConnector(RoutableConnectorType.DynamicHV);

case ConnectorType.DynamicPolyline:
connector = new NRoutableConnector(RoutableConnectorType.DynamicPolyline);

case ConnectorType.DynamicCurve:
connector = new NRoutableConnector(RoutableConnectorType.DynamicCurve);

Debug.Assert(false, "New graph connector type?");

// the connector must be added to the document prior to connecting it

// change the default label text
connector.Text = text;

// connectors by default inherit styles from the connectors stylesheet
connector.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;

// connect the connector to the specified ports

// modify the connector text style
connector.Style.TextStyle = (connector.ComposeTextStyle().Clone() as NTextStyle);
connector.Style.TextStyle.Offset = new NPointL(0, -7);

return connector;


Am I missing some thing. Please help me out.

Nevron Support
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Please, send your whole sample project to our support e-mail: and we will tell you what is wrong with it and how to correct it.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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