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Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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Thank you, I stored M11, M12, M21, M22, DX and DY and it seems to work fine.
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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I have found it. The GetLengthOrientation method gives me the angle in radians, if I transform it to degrees I can store it in a database. Now, when I create the shape from database, the width is not working ok. I give the location, height and width and then rotate the shape, and it does not work ok. My code: Dim rect As NShape = factory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle)Dim x As Single = CSng(fila.Item(tbplazas.XColumn.Caption).ToString)Dim y As Single = CSng(fila.Item(tbplazas.YColumn.Caption).ToString)Dim ancho As Single = CSng(fila.Item(tbplazas.AnchoColumn.Caption).ToString)Dim alto As Single = CSng(fila.Item(tbplazas.AltoColumn.Caption).ToString)Dim angulo As Single = CSng(fila.Item(tbplazas.AnguloColumn.Caption).ToString)NDrawingDocument1.ActiveLayer.AddChild(rect) rect.Height = alto rect.Width = ancho rect.Location = New NPointF(x, y)rect.Name = fila.Item(tbplazas.IdColumn.Caption).ToString rect.Rotate( CoordinateSystem.Scene, angulo, rect.Center)Why the width is changed after the rotation?
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Last Active: 8 hours ago
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Hi, In order to store the rotation of the shape you need to save the shape's transformation matrix in you database. The transformation matrix stores the rotation, the scaling, the skew and the translation applied to the shape and can be obtained from the shape's Transform property.
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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Hello: I would like to save the shapes of a diagram in a database and later make the diagram from this database. I was thinking to save x, y, width, heigh and angle, but I can´t get this value. How can I do this? Thank you