I am looking for component to draw stock chart. I saw your demo and have a few questions:
1. In MS Chart I can use the data point index in the series collection to position candles along the axis X to remove gaps between candles and have DateTime labels on axis X.
For example my code is:
series1.XValueType =
ChartValueTypes.DateTime;series1.YValuesPerPoint = 4;
series1.XValueIndexed =
true;Do you have similar option in Nevron Charts?
2. When I used zoom/scroll in your demo the most right candle always appeared with only half of its width. Can I add some space between most right candle and chart border so that this candle could be drawn completly on chart?
3. Do you have an option to have variable width of candles depending on amount of candles on chart and chart width? In the demo Candles and volume bars are overlaping each other.