Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 13 Years Ago
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Good day!
I have a problem with coloring of pie pieces in pie chart.
Example: I have some list of items. {Sum = 10, Name = "Test1"} {Sum = 30, Name = "Test2"} {Sum = 50, Name = "Test3"}
If I use the predefined stylesheet, the color of a piece of pie will always be different.
NStyleSheet styleSheet = NStyleSheet.CreatePredefinedStyleSheet(PredefinedStyleSheet.BrightMultiColor); styleSheet.Apply(control);
In code
Color color = ServiceColorRepository.Instance.GetFormsColor(record.Name); NDataPoint point = new NDataPoint(record.Sum, record.Name, new NColorFillStyle(color)); pie.AddDataPoint(point);
I take a color based on the text of item. All is ok, but colors of arrows and borders of labels is always black.
How can I resolve this problem?