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I am using the NGraphDataSourceImporter to import shapes from a custom Web Service, both Vertex and Edges.
During the import within the OnVertexImported and OnEdgeImported events I am moving the imported shapes to layers that have been added to the Document and removing it from the ActiveLayer.
Protected Friend Sub OnVertexImported(ByVal importer As NDataSourceImporter, ByVal shape As NShape, ByVal dataRecord As INDataRecord) Dim strFeatureDefName As String Dim objdataRecord As INDataRecord Dim objTravelShapesFactory As New NTravelShapesFactory() Dim objBasicShapesFactory As New NBasicShapesFactory() Dim objNetworkShapesFactory As New NSimpleNetworkShapesFactory Dim objCursorType As CursorType = CursorType.Default Dim objDiagramDocument As NDrawingDocument Dim objLayersCollection As NLayerCollection Dim strLayerName As String = "" Dim objGroup As NGroup = New NGroup() Dim objLayer As NLayer Dim objNewShape As NShape = Nothing
Dim group As New NGroup() Dim objSiteConfiguration As New SiteConfiguration
objDiagramDocument = importer.Document
objLayersCollection = objDiagramDocument.Layers
objdataRecord = dataRecord
strFeatureDefName = dataRecord.GetColumnValue("FEATURE_DEF_NAME")
Dim strEntityEname As String = dataRecord.GetColumnValue("ENAME")
shape.Style.FillStyle = New NColorFillStyle(objSiteConfiguration.FeatureColor(strFeatureDefName))
Select Case strFeatureDefName Case "TERMINAL_PORT" strLayerName = mstr_layerFiberTerminalInPorts Case ("SPLITTER_IN_PORT") strLayerName = mstr_layerInSplitterPorts Case "SPLITTER_OUT_PORT" strLayerName = mstr_layerOutSplitterPorts Case "CO_PORT" strLayerName = mstr_layerCentralOfficePorts Case "FIBER_TERMINAL" strLayerName = mstr_layerFiberTerminals Case "FIBER_SERVICE_POINT" strLayerName = mstr_layerFiberNid Case "CUSTOMER_HOUSE" strLayerName = "" Case "FIBER_SPLITTER" strLayerName = mstr_layerSplitter Case "CO" strLayerName = mstr_layerCentralOffice End Select
shape.Name = strEntityEname
objLayer = objDiagramDocument.Layers.GetChildByName(strLayerName)
objNewShape = shape objDiagramDocument.ActiveLayer.RemoveChild(shape)
Dim text As Object = dataRecord.GetColumnValue("ID") If text Is Nothing Then shape.Text = "Title not specified" Else shape.Text = text.ToString() End If
shape.SizeToText(New NMarginsF(10))
Dim strURL As String = Me.RequestPath & EntityDetailURL & "?entityEname=" & strEntityEname
' make the URL a tooltip of the shape Dim url As String = String.Format(strURL, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strURL))
If strEntityEname Is Nothing Or strEntityEname.Length = 0 Then shape.Style.InteractivityStyle = New NInteractivityStyle("URL not specified") Else Dim objUrlLink As NUrlLinkAttribute = New NUrlLinkAttribute(url, False)
objCursorType = CursorType.Hand shape.Style.InteractivityStyle = New NInteractivityStyle(True, strEntityEname, shape.Text, objCursorType) shape.Style.InteractivityStyle.InteractivityAttributes.Add(objUrlLink)
End If
Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try
End Sub
Protected Friend Sub OnEdgeImported(ByVal dataSourceImporter As Nevron.Diagram.DataImport.NDataSourceImporter, ByVal shape As Nevron.Diagram.NShape, ByVal record As Nevron.Diagram.DataImport.INDataRecord)
Dim objLinkIdentifier As Object = record.GetColumnValue("LINK_IDENTIFER") Dim objEntityEname As Object = record.GetColumnValue("LINK_ENAME") Dim strEntityEname As String = "" Dim strLabel As String = "" Dim strURL As String = "" Dim objDiagramDocument As NDrawingDocument Dim objCursorType As CursorType = CursorType.Default Dim objLayer As NLayer Dim objNewShape As NShape
Try Dim objSiteConfiguration As New SiteConfiguration
If objLinkIdentifier Is Nothing Or objLinkIdentifier.ToString.Length = 0 Then strLabel = "Interal Link" strLabel = "" Else strLabel = objLinkIdentifier.ToString End If
If objEntityEname Is Nothing Or objEntityEname.ToString.Length = 0 Then strEntityEname = "" strURL = "" Else
strEntityEname = objEntityEname.ToString 'strURL = String.Format(EntityDetailURL & "?entityEname=" & strEntityEname, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(EntityDetailURL & "?entityEname=" & strEntityEname)) strURL = Me.RequestPath & EntityDetailURL & "?entityEname=" & strEntityEname End If
If strLabel.Length = 0 Then objCursorType = CursorType.Default Else objCursorType = CursorType.Hand End If shape.Text = strLabel
If objEntityEname Is Nothing Or objEntityEname.ToString.Length = 0 Then shape.Style.StrokeStyle = New NStrokeStyle(objSiteConfiguration.ConnectionColor("LogicalConnectionColor")) shape.Style.StrokeStyle.Pattern = objSiteConfiguration.ConnectionPattern("LogicalConnectionPattern") shape.Style.StrokeStyle.Factor = 2 shape.Style.StrokeStyle.Width = New NLength(objSiteConfiguration.ConnectionWeight("LogicalConnectionWeight"))
Else shape.Style.StrokeStyle = New NStrokeStyle(objSiteConfiguration.ConnectionColor("PhysicalConnectionColor")) shape.Style.StrokeStyle.Pattern = objSiteConfiguration.ConnectionPattern("PhysicalConnectionPattern") shape.Style.StrokeStyle.Factor = 1 shape.Style.StrokeStyle.Width = New NLength(objSiteConfiguration.ConnectionWeight("PhysicalConnectionWeight"))
End If
Dim objUrlLink As NUrlLinkAttribute = New NUrlLinkAttribute(strURL, False) objUrlLink.OpenInNewWindow = True
shape.Style.InteractivityStyle = New NInteractivityStyle(True, strEntityEname, strLabel, objCursorType) shape.Style.InteractivityStyle.InteractivityAttributes.Add(objUrlLink)
objDiagramDocument = dataSourceImporter.Document objLayer = objDiagramDocument.Layers.GetChildByName(mstr_layerConnectors)
objNewShape = shape objDiagramDocument.ActiveLayer.RemoveChild(shape)
shape.SizeToText(New NMarginsF(20))
Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try
End Sub
However when the Diagram is displayed within the WebForm it is blank. All of the shapes are within the respective layers and all of the layers visible properties are set to true.