I've got the following:
panelWindow = new NDockingPanel();int newwidth, newheight;<Calculate newwidth and newheight for panel>
Size pwSize = new Size(newwidth, newheight);panelWindow.FloatingSize = pwSize;
panelWindow.TabInfo.AutoHideSize = pwSize;
panelWindow.SizeInfo.PreferredSize = pwSize;
<fill out rest of panelWindow etc.>
I'm trying to calculate the appropriate size of the panel before calling the float method. I know what the client dimensions of the floated window need to be and I want to add to this the needs for the borders and caption text like so:
Width = ClientWidth + frameAppearance.LeftBorder + frameAppearance.RightBorder;
Height = ClientHeight + frameAppearance.BottomBorder + frameAppearance.CaptionHeight;
How can I get the NFrameAppearance used by floated panels? It seems its close to
NFrameAppearance frameAppearance = NUIManager.GetPredefinedFrame(PredefinedFrame.Simple)
but that's not it exactly. It's not NUIManager.FrameAppearance either. I've looked but I haven't discovered a way to query these dimensions. Thanks for any thoughts on how to do this.