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Data Labels showing totals instead of breakdown per product set.

Posted By Christina Layton 12 Years Ago

Data Labels showing totals instead of breakdown per product set.

Christina Layton
sad Posted 12 Years Ago
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Last Active: 12 Years Ago
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Hello everyone,

I have searched the forum but could not find anything. I am currently evaluating the Nevron SharePoint Chart web part on our 2010 server farm and so far so good but hit a bit of a glitch. I am using a Stacked bar chart to display approved and unapproved items for multiple product sets (grouped). The tooltip displays the correct numbers when you hover your mouse over each bar, but the data labels (I've used the same expression: =COUNT(Fields!Status)   ) is showing the total approved and unapproved in each bar (as opposed to the breakdown.... (i.e. 43 approved and 8 unapproved - above each bar)

Wondering if I am doing something stupid. I want to make sure it all works and that I can actually support the use of this product before purchasing it

Hope someone can help me

Nevron Support
Posted 12 Years Ago
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Hi Cristina,

It is important to know the scope in which each expression is evaluated, because the Fields!Some_Col reference cay actually return a different array of rows, depending on the scope.
For more information about scopes - see:

Pivot Engine > Pivot Processing
Pivot Engine > Variables > Fields

The easiest way to find out the scope is to save the state to file and see where this expression is written. The possible values are:

Pivot Scope - all properties of the chart areas, axes etc.
Row scope - for example the label property of a category is in row scope.
Col scope- for example the label property of a series is in row scope.
Data Cell scope - this includes the Value, Label, Tooltip prop/erty and properties related to Actions, Data Point appearance etc.

Expressions can also appear in Filters, Grouping and Sorting Rules but their scoping is not hierarchical - this is explained in these topics:

Pivot Engine > Grouping, Filtering and Sorting > Grouping
Pivot Engine > Grouping, Filtering and Sorting > Filtering
Pivot Engine > Grouping, Filtering and Sorting > Sorting

So back to your question - the =COUNT(Fields!Status) expression, if assigned to the ToolTip property, evaluates in a data cell scope.
To make the same value appear as a data label, you need to set the =COUNT(Fields!Status) expression as a Label of the data point (from the Values>General>Data>Label text box).
You also need to write this in the Values>Data Labels>Format text box: <label>

This assings a label string to each data point, which is equal to the count of records contained in the current scope (BTW you can also use Fields![RowCount]).
The data labels are formated to show that label. For more data label options see:
Chart > Data Model > Data Point Formatting Commands



Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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