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report action parameters in webpage

Posted By Stuart Zoock 11 Years Ago
Stuart Zoock
Posted 11 Years Ago
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I have successfully modified and used Parameters with the API script on the same page as a web chart. 

My understanding is that if I create a Pivot Action Jump to Report parameter, than I should be able to access that parameter in the same way through the API. 

If this is correct, can you tell me what is wrong with the following:

On a chart, I create the Pivot Action Jump to Report Parameter called "TellerName".  Then I link the URL to just a sharepoint page where I am trying to display the tellername in a Content Editor Webpart. 

In the Content Editor Webpart, I use the NInitStrParam to link the parameter to the html div where i want it to go.  Does this init also clear the parameter?  Please let me know what I am missing.


The web part code is as follows:

<table align="center" border="1">
     <tr bordercolor="#CCCCCC">
         <td colspan="3" align="center">
            <strong>Dashboard Settings</strong>
                Teller Name:
                <div id="MyStrTeller">

<script type="text/javascript">

NInitSTRParam("MyStrTeller", "TellerName");



Nevron Support
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Your code looks OK.

First lets explain the parameters a little bit more. Each parameter is stored on a per session:pageurl basis.
When you create a JumpToReport action, the parameters enumerated in the action are recorded in the respective session:pageurl store when the action is executed,
and then the browser is redirected to the target pageurl.

This means that the JS on the target pageurl, that executes NInitSTRParam will actually ignore the default value, if the parameter is already initialized for the respective session:pageurl store.

If your NInitSTRParam JS "clears" the value that you have passed via JumpToReport, this means that the JumpToReport action was recorded the TellerName parameter in the wrong session:pageurl store, because of a wrong page URL.

The action may still lead to the target page, but it may use some sort of alias.

Check the target page URL.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Stuart Zoock
Posted 11 Years Ago
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thanks for your reply, but I am still confused and I still can't get this to work correctly.

I am trying to pass the parameter to a page with a bdc list of the details of the graph from the sql database.  How do i connect the graph parameters to the bdc list filter? 

Does anyone have an example of this?



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