1. Tell me please how do I configure annotations to be shown within plot area bounds, or at least to disappear from sight when anchor point is not visible in current page view? You can see my problem in attached picture (Annotation.jpg). I used this code to create annotation:
NRectangularCallout annotation = new NRectangularCallout(); annotation.Anchor = anchor; annotation.Text = text; annotation.AlwaysInsideParent = false; annotation.ArrowBasePercent = 0F; annotation.ArrowLength = new NLength(10F, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage); annotation.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(255,255,200)); annotation.PositionMode = CalloutPositionMode.AlignToText; annotation.Orientation = 270F; annotation.UseAutomaticSize = true;
2. Is it possible to use Offset Tool to drag and move annotations?
Thank you very much in advance,