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Matrica have just bought Nevron.Net vision for VS2012 (for .Net Framework 4.5) and were using a previous version of the Nevron.Net vision before the upgrade. The code snippets worked with the previous version but does not work with the current version.
We get compile error for PrintOnSinglePage, LabelLeadLength, BeginValue and EndValue properties.
Printing: PrintOnSinglePage is not a memeber Dim PrintManager As New Extensions.NPrintManager(DrawingView.Document) PrintManager.PrintOnSinglePage = True Call PrintManager.Print()
Chart: LabelLeadLength is not a memeber Dim pie As NPieSeries = CType(NChartControl1.Charts(0).Series(0), NPieSeries) pie.LabelLeadLength = New NLength(LeadZoneLengthScroll.Value, NGraphicsUnit.Point) NChartControl1.Refresh()
Axis: BeginValue and EndValue are now read-only. How can BeginValue and EndValue be set? Dim Axis As NAxis = Chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY) Axis.ScrollBar.BeginValue = value Axis.ScrollBar.EndValue = value
This code worked perfectly well in a previous version of Nevron.Net vision. Can you please tell us how to do the same things in Nevron.Net vision for VS2012.