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Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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I'm filling an NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries with a list of 3D points as initalization for a graph:
FChartControl.SuspendLayout() FSurfaceSeries.Values.Clear() FSurfaceSeries.XValues.Clear() FSurfaceSeries.ZValues.Clear()
For Each pt As Point3DF In pPoints Dim x As Double = pt.X Dim y As Double = pt.Y Dim z As Double = pt.Z Dim cell As TCell = Globals.GetCellByPos(pt.AsPoint3D(scaleFactor)) Dim product As TCell.TProduit = If(cell IsNot Nothing, cell.Produit, Nothing)
FSurfaceSeries.XValues.Add(x) FSurfaceSeries.ZValues.Add(y) FSurfaceSeries.Values.Add(z) FSurfaceSeries.Colors.Add(GetColorByProduct(product)) Next
FChartControl.ResumeLayout() FChartControl.Refresh()
Then, periodically, I receive a serie of points corresponding to a slice in the depth axis (all points with same X value). How do I update the FSurfaceSeries.Values(...) with the new elevation values? How are the points ordered in the serie?
Thanks for your help,
Best regards