I have a following problem with right-to-left support in annotations in Nevron Chart.
As you can see in the image below, words appear in reverse order in Hebrew phrase:
This happens only when I mix Hebrew and non-Hebrew text in annotation. With Hebrew text alone, everything looks fine.
I use Nevron .NET Vision 2012.1 for VS2010 and following code to create annotation:
private NRectangularCallout CreateAnnotation(string text, NVisibleDataPointAnchor anchor, bool down)
NRectangularCallout annotation = new NRectangularCallout();
annotation.Anchor = anchor;
annotation.AlwaysInsideParent = false;
annotation.ArrowBasePercent = 0F;
annotation.ArrowLength = new NLength(10F, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage);
float orientation = down ? 270F : 90F;
annotation.Orientation = orientation;
annotation.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle(this.Font.Name, this.LayoutSettings.AnnotationFontSizeScreen);
annotation.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.TextDirection = TextDirection.RightToLeft;
annotation.Text = text;
annotation.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 200));
annotation.PositionMode = CalloutPositionMode.AlignToText;
annotation.UseAutomaticSize = true;
annotation.InteractivityStyle.Cursor.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
return annotation;
Please help me to get things straight.
Thank you in advance,
Vladimir Bershadsky