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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
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H guys. I'm using the Org chart design reworked to just have a single cell containing text for each box. Sometimes the text is long so I want the style I have assigned to be overridden so the text fits in the box, or the box is made larger. Strangely I have found, almost by accident, that if I add "\r" to my text, then the font and box resize and the text fits. If I don't add the "\r" then the text is split onto two lines and is not fully visible. Is this the recommended method to achieve what I want? With "\r" added: Without added "\r": Thanks, Kevin
Group: Forum Members
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Hi Kevin, We were not able to reproduce this behavior on our side. Can you please explain in more details how you create the diagram in question or post some source code? We used the following piece of code to test the auto sizing of the table shape: NTableShape tableShape = new NTableShape(200, 10, 100, 50); tableShape.InitTable(1, 1); tableShape[0, 0].Text = "Martial IsIn(Absent,Divorced,Married-spouse-absent,Unmarried,Widowed)"; document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(tableShape);
Please, try this code on your side and let us know if it works for you, too.
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team