Edit NShape.Geometry Programatically

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By Jan Cruz - 4 Months Ago

May I ask how can I replicate editing Geometry MoveTo values in code?
I would like to update NShape.Geometry without re-drawing the whole Geometry sequence.

Thank you for your support!
By Nevron Support - 4 Months Ago

The following piece of code creates a shape with a triangle geometry:

const bool CloseFigure = true;

// Create a shape with a triangle geometry
NShape shape = new NShape();
shape.Geometry.AddRelative(new NMoveTo(0.5, 0, CloseFigure));
shape.Geometry.AddRelative(new NLineTo(1, 1));
shape.Geometry.AddRelative(new NLineTo(0, 1));
shape.Geometry.AddRelative(new NLineTo(0.5, 0));
shape.SetBounds(200, 200, 100, 100);

// Add the shape to the page

The code above will create the following shape:

You can then modify the shape geometry, for example you can change the third geometry command like this:
((NLineTo)shape.Geometry[2]).X = 0.5;

You will then get the following shape:

For more information on shape geometry, please open the following documentation topic: