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How to programmatically save the drawing as PNG with transparent background

Posted By Ashley Davy 3 Years Ago

How to programmatically save the drawing as PNG with transparent...

Ashley Davy
Question Posted 3 Years Ago
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I have a require to save the drawing as a PNG file with a transparent background.  I have been looking at the code but I am not sure how to tie it all together.  Below is what I have so far but I am not sure how to apply the Encoder Settings and make the background transparent.


Dim ImgPngEncoder As NPngEncoderSettings = New NPngEncoderSettings()
   ImgPngEncoder.ColorType = ENPngColorType.TrueColorWithAlpha
   ImgPngEncoder.CompressionLevel = Nevron.Nov.Compression.ENCompressionLevel.BestCompression

   Dim ImgRasterExporter As NDrawingRasterImageExporter = New NDrawingRasterImageExporter(Draw2.View.Content.OwnerDocument)

Nevron Support
Posted 3 Years Ago
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By default the page has white background. Set the background the page to a transparent color fill and the exported PNG image will have transparent background, too:

drawingView.ActivePage.BackgroundFill = new NColorFill(NColor.Transparent);

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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