I changed my application:
now I use a .net Form (I don't want to use a NForm) and I want to change the skin of all nevron controls in the form in one step.
i set the local copy property of the Nevron.UI.Winform.Skin.dll to true
and In the load event of the form I write this code:
NSkinResource resource = new NSkinResource();
resource.ResourceType = SkinResourceType.GlobalAssembly;
resource.AssemblyName = "Nevron.UI.WinForm.Skins";
resource.SkinName = "Office2007Black";
NSkin skin = new NSkin();
if (skin.Load(resource))
NSkinManager.Instance.Skin = skin;
But this is doesn't work.
How can I do this?
There is a way to set skin to all nevron controls in one form
or I have to check which of the form's controls are nevron controls and then set to them the palette.ColorScheme property that I want?
thanks for your help