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 | The 3DChart component can display line charts as tube, tape or simple line with value point marks. The shape of the value point marks can be a bar, cylinder, cone, inverted cone, pyramid, inverted pyramid, sphere, circle, diamond, cross, diagonal cross or star. The line can be configured as an XY or XYZ scatter plot. The lines can be visualized in stairs mode. Simple line charts have only one data series. The variations of this chart include only changing the style of the line and the style of the data point marks. |
![3d line chart as tube with sphere data point marks]() | The 3DChart component can display line charts as tube, tape or simple line with value point marks. The shape of the value point marks can be a bar, cylinder, cone, inverted cone, pyramid, inverted pyramid, sphere, circle, diamond, cross, diagonal cross or star. The line can be configured as an XY or XYZ scatter plot. The lines can be visualized in stairs mode. Simple line charts have only one data series. The variations of this chart include only changing the style of the line and the style of the data point marks. |
![Date time line chart]() | The line presentation group supports a mode in which the user can specify the X position of each line data point. This enables the creation of date-time line trends as well as all kinds of line charts with irregular X data point positioning. |
![Xyz line scatter chart]() | The line presentation group can also be switched to a mode in which the user specifies the (X,Y,Z) location of each data point. |
![Line stairs chart]() | The line presentation group can be configured to show the line in stairs mode. |
![Y dublicates not allowed in smooth line chart]() | The 3DChart component can display smooth line charts. Smooth line charts are similar to line charts. The main difference is that the line segments between the successive data points are not straight lines but interpolated cubic splines. The user can control the width, style and smoothness of the line, as well as the size and type of the data points. Custom x-axis position can be assigned to each data point. |
![Y dublicates allowed in smooth line chart]() | Smooth line charts can be configured to display data points at custom X positions. In this case the user can control whether the interpolation strategy should allow duplicate Y values for one X value. |
![Smooth line chart in 3d]() | Smooth line charts can be configured to display data points at custom X positions. In this case the user can control whether the interpolation strategy should allow duplicate Y values for one X value. |
![Stacked line chart with tube style]() | The variations of this chart include changing the style of the lines, and applying lighting and different projections to display the chart in 2D or 3D. |
![Stacked percent line chart with sphere markers]() | By default the 3DChart component simply piles the stacks. The stack line can also be configured to stack the lines so that they represent their percentage contribution to the overall pile sum. These line stacks are called stacked percent lines. |
![Stack line in stair mode]() | The line presentation group can be configured to show stack lines in stairs mode. |
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