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Nevron Chart for .NET Features

Charting Types

Complete and unrivaled set of 2D and 3D charting types with many customization options is implemented to ensure that you have a superior set of data visualization methods "out of the box".

Bar and Column

2D Bar Chart

Clustered, Stacked, Stacked%, XYZ scatter stack and XYZ scatter cluster multi bar modes. Smooth edge and cut edge bar styles as well as the standard pyramid, cylinder, ellipsoid, cone, inverted pyramid and inverted cone styles. Support for cluster stack combinations.

Line, Smooth Line (Spline), Step Line

smooth line chart

Line series can be displayed as simple lines, tape, tube or stretched ellipsoids. Overlapped, Stacked and Stacked% multi line modes are supported. XY Scatter mode.

Smooth line series - 2D Smooth line, 3D Smooth Line, XY Scatter Smooth Line, XYZ Scatter Smooth Line.

Step line series - 2D Step Line, 3D Step Line, DateTime Step Line.

Area, Smooth Area Series

3d multi series area chart

Stacked and Stacked% multi area modes are supported. XY Scatter mode. Supports markers.

Standard Smooth Area, XY Smooth Area and Date-Time Smooth Area.


pie chart nonoverlapping labels

Visualized as standard pies, torus segments or smooth edge pies. Rim, center or spider modes for pie data labels.


2d point chart

Points can be visualized as a bar, cylinder, cone, inverted cone, pyramid, inverted pyramid, sphere, ellipse, cross, diagonal cross, or star shape. XY and XYZ scatter modes are supported.


2d bubble chart

Bubbles can be visualized as a bar, cylinder, cone, inverted cone, pyramid, inverted pyramid, sphere, ellipse, cross, diagonal cross, or star shape. XY and XYZ scatter modes are supported.


stick stock chart

Stick and candle styles are supported. Open High Low and Close High Low chart subtypes are also supported. XY Scatter mode (date-time stocks).


kagi chart

Kagi is a type of financial chart illustrating the forces of supply and demand on security. It is focused on price action and disregards the passage of time.


renko chart

Renko is a type of financial chart that is very effective for traders in identifying essential support and resistance levels. It filters minor price movements and emphasizes general trends.

Point and Figure

point and figure chart

Point and Figure is a type of financial chart designed to filter non-significant price changes and focus on the main price trends. Point and Figure charts are usually used for longer-term price movements.

Three Line Break

three line break chart

Three Line Break is a price change financial chart that is similar in concept to Kagi, Renko, and Point and Figure.

Float Bar (also called Gantt)

gantt chart

Smooth edge and cut edge bar styles and the standard pyramid, cylinder, ellipsoid, cone, inverted pyramid, and inverted cone styles. Date Time float bar, Date Time Clustered Float Bar.


radar area chart

Contour and filled area styles. Supports markers. A unique - elevated center feature.


polar chart value axis position

Contour and filled area styles. Supports markers. Radian and degree label formatting.

High Low

2d high low intersecting chart

High low area with built-in appearance logic. Supports markers. XY scatter mode is also supported (date-time range chart).

Mesh Surface

mesh surface 3d spiral chart

Surface connecting a grid of points defined by their X, Y, and Z coordinates. The mesh surface can be filled with an automatic or user-defined palette, smooth palette filling is also supported. Several frame styles are available, including Mesh, Contour, Dots, and Mesh-Contour, which can be displayed uniformly or synchronized with the palette. Supports custom contour lines and flat mode (Mesh Contour chart).

Grid Surface

grid surface chart

Surface connecting a grid of data points where each row and column of the grid have equal X and Z values and a distinct Y value (elevation). The rows and columns of the grid can be regularly or irregularly spaced. The Grid surface can be filled with an automatic or user-defined palette. Smooth palette filling is supported as well as per-vertex colors. Several frame styles are supported, including Mesh, Contour, Dots, and Mesh - Contour. The frame can be uniformly displayed or synchronized with the used palette. Flat mode is also supported (Grid Contour chart).

Triangulated Surface

triangulated surface chart

This charting type can display a set of points with X, Y, and Z coordinates as a 3D surface. In contrast to the Mesh Surface chart, the Triangulated Surface doesn't require the points to be ordered in a grid. The control creates a triangular network automatically.

Vertex Surface

vertex surface chart

The Vertex Surface series allows the visualization of data points with user-specified 3d primitives such as triangle, triangle fan, triangle strip, etc. The user can also specify the order in which vertices are connected to form the specified 3d primitive.


standard shape chart

A versatile rendering series. The ultimate scatter plotter. Can display shapes with the following styles: Smooth edge, cut edge bar, pyramid, cylinder, ellipsoid, cone, inverted pyramid and inverted cone. The user controls the (X, Y, Z) position of the shape as well as its size along the X,Y and Z dimensions. Can also be used for complex composite object rendering.


three set venn diagram

2, 3, 4, 5 etc. Venn set.

Error Bar

xy error bar chart

Y Error Bar, XY Error Bar, XYZ Error Bar, with support for XY and XYZ scatter for the bar position.


3d funnel chart

Funnel charts are often used to represent stages in a sales process and show the amount of potential revenue for each stage. This type of chart can be useful also in identifying potential problem areas in an organization’s sales processes. A funnel chart is similar to a stacked percent bar chart.

Box and Whiskers

box and whiskers chart

Box and whiskers plots are very helpful in interpreting the distribution of data. Each box and whiskers item represents a set of values and displays statistical information for it like minimum, maximum and median values, upper and lower quartiles, outliers and optionally a mean value.

Line Studies

Chart basic functions add

Line Studies are lines and various geometric figures that are plotted in price charts or in indicator charts. They are used as analytical instruments helping to define channels, support and resistance levels, trend changes and to forecast price dynamics. Line studies supported by Nevron Chart for .NET - Fibonacci Arcs, Fibonacci Fans, Fibonacci Retracements, Quadrant Lines, Speed Resistance Lines and Trendline.

Vector Charts

3d vector field chart

Vector charts display arrows in 2D or 3D space. A vector data item is defined by two points (begin - end) and is represented by a single arrow. An arrowhead is placed at the end point to indicate the vector direction.

Range Charts

2d range series chart

The Range series can display 2D or 3D shapes defined by the begin / end values of their bounding boxes. It can be used for display of histograms, bars with custom sizes, 3D ranges etc.

Combo Charts

combo chart cluster bar line

Combo Charts are used to combine certain series types within the same chart area. Series types are specified per values data groupings. There are many per series type options.

Custom Series

custom series chart

The Custom Series allows for painting of custom geometry within a 2D chart. It has the abilities of the chart’s custom painting feature and at the same time behaves like the other series, allowing you to specify its depth order and axis ranges.


ternary point

Ternary chart displays data consisting of three variables that sum to a total. This allows them to visualize specific data sets consisting of three variables that usually represent mixture compositions that sums to a total.

Tree Map

tree map chart

Tree maps display hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles. Tree maps allow you to easily see patterns that would be difficult to spot in other ways, such as if a certain color is particularly relevant. A second advantage of tree maps is that, by construction, they make efficient use of space. As a result, they can legibly display thousands of items on the screen simultaneously.

Heat Map

heat map contour chart

Heat Map is a 2D representation of data, where the individual values are contained in a matrix and are represented as colors, which are taken from an associated palette.

Gauges (part of Chart for .NET Enterprise edition)

The Gauge offers a full range of advanced Gauge types, State Indicators, and Numeric Displays that give applications a more meaningful way to display KPIs (key performance indicators), dashboards, and other critical data.

Circular / Radial Gauges

Radial gauge 13

Radial gauge panels allow displaying virtually any circular gauge. Gauge features include multiple indicators, multiple gauge axes, intelligent gauge scale decorations, and many more.

Linear Gauges

Linear gauge horizontal

Linear gauge panels allow displaying virtually any linear gauge. Gauge features include multiple indicators, multiple gauge axes, intelligent gauge scale decorations, and many more.

Numeric Display Panel

Gauge numeric display fourteen Segment

The Numeric Display Panel features various display styles, control over the decimal formatting, complete control over the panel appearance and size, and many others.

State Indicators

Gauge numeric display matrix rectangle

State indicators are used to represent a value as a visual state. For example, the most common use for state indicators is found in car dashboards, where a red led indicator is usually lit when the car will soon run out of fuel.

Chart Axes Features

Nevron Chart for .NET provides a complete set of axis-related features designed to target even the most compelling charting requirements. The axes are primarily automated, allowing you to focus on your project and customize every aspect of the appearance and behavior of the axis if needed. Following is a short list of the axis-related features of the component:

Primary and Secondary X and Y Axes

Supports Primary and Secondary X and Y Axes. You can specify the X and Y axes on which each value data grouping (chart series) is scaled. Advanced settings allow you to use axis crossings, docking, and percent positioning.

Depth Axis

3D charting extends the axis model with an additional depth (Z) axis. The Z-axis allows data to be plotted along the depth of the chart. It automatically scales in Numeric or Categorical scale mode, allowing the creation of XYZ scatters and XZ-plane categorical plots.

Special Radar and Polar axes

The special Radar and Polar axes are exposed for Radar and Polar charting types, providing advanced settings for complex requirements related to these charting types.

Numeric Scale

The following subtypes are available:
  • Number scale - allows you to display any data in numeric format (profit, sales, percentages etc.).
  • Angular scale - allows you to display angular data in degrees and grads (used in polar charts).
  • DateTime scale - general date time scale suitable for the display of date time data.
  • ValueTimeline scale - advanced date time scale most commonly used in financial charts.
  • RangeTimeline scale - advanced date time scale most commonly used in financial and project management charts.

Categorical Scale

The following features are available for categorical scales:
  • Single row and grouped categorical labels.
  • Controllable grid style.

Advanced positioning options

The component's axes can be docked to the chart sides (or polar rim) or crossed at value with another axis. In addition, axes can share parts of the chart plot.


Control over the title text, appearance, position, and angle.


Control over the begin/end ruler caps and the option to highlight scale breaks on the ruler.


Control over the range displayed by the axis. Ability to inflate that range in several modes.


Control over the major and minor gridline's appearance.


Control over the appearance and position of minor and major ticks.


Ability to highlight repeating data ranges on the chart walls, with controllable show/hide pattern.


Ability to conditionally modify the appearance of axis decorations (tick, gridlines and labels) if they fall in a specified range. This feature allows you to highlight important ranges of data on the axis.

Const Lines

Ability to show constant (reference) lines at specified value. In 3D mode, you can also show planes crossing the plot at the specified value.

Axis Scale Breaks

Axis Scale Breaks skip a range of values on the axis to increase the readability of the chart. Nevron Chart for Reporting Services provides support for manual and automatic scale breaks with full control over appearance and behavior. X and Y scale breaks can be crossed. Scale breaks are also displayed in 3D Mode.

Label Layout

Ability to control how the axis must resolve label overlapping and layout options.

Label Formatting

Ability to control the label formatting on numeric scales - including many advanced options for currency, percentage, scientific, and date-time label formatting.

Other Common Features

Non-Overlapping Data Labels Layout

Data point labels of Cartesian, Polar, and Radar charts can be automatically rearranged to avoid overlaps and ensure maximum visibility for the chart elements.

Flexible integrated legend

Lots of predefined styles, positions, and data layout strategies. Header and Footer.

Built in Functions and Formula support

The component has extensive custom formula support with 50+ predefined functions, including commonly used financial indicators like Relative Strength Index, MACD, Bollinger Bands, Average True Range, Momentum, Stochastic Oscillator, Directional Movement System, Moving Averages, etc.

Full Visual Studio design time support

State-of-the-art editors. Improved wizard. Creating a chart based on a template and modifying its data and other settings takes less than a few minutes.

Editors available at runtime

All design-time editors are available at runtime, including the Wizard.

Excel like fill effect editors

You can not only specify any filling in Excel but also visually create any custom gradient with the built-in advanced gradient editor.

Advanced control over the axis scaling and position

Static and dynamic axis positioning strategies and settings. Lots of predefined text layout schemes. Four scaling modes - DateTime, Numeric, Logarithmic, and Dimension scale. Paging with lots of customizations..

Axis labeling abilities

Stripes, constant lines as planes or simple lines, custom axis labels, axis cursors, and range selections.

Ability to display several charting types simultaneously

Advanced chart margins and fit strategy control.

Ability to display several series simultaneously

Making a chart-type combination chart has never been easier and more flexible.

Ability to display multiple charts and legends in the component canvas

Charts can be described in one or more legends. Legends can describe multiple charts.

Image borders

Fancy skin effects add this important final touch to your chart image.


Ideal for company logos and trademarks - can be displayed on top or behind the chart image with user-controlled transparency.


Headers, footers as well as custom positioned labels. Support for multi-line and rich text formatted labels.


Trackball, zoom, offset, mouse cursor change, mouse tooltips and more.

Drill Down capabilities

Extensive drill-down support. Lots of events for both WinForms and WebForms.

Advanced 3D view control

360-degrees rotation, viewer rotation, orthogonal and perspective projections, offset, zoom, and many predefined projection schemes.

Advanced control over the scene lighting

Lots of predefined lighting schemes. Up to 9 light sources. Spot and Directional light.

Integrated layout manager

Support for docking, nesting, and anchoring of panels. AutoSize and custom size, bounds mode, and more make the creation of complex, scaleable layouts easy and understandable.

Measurement Unit support

All styles and lengths are specified as a pair of value and measurement units—more than 20 different measurement units (pixel, inch, millimeter, display, etc.).

Annotation support

Annotation support also allows nesting of panels and anchoring panels to key elements of the chart like data points or legend data items. Arrow, Rectangular Callout, Rounded Rectangular callout, Cut edge rectangular callout, and Oval callout.

Advanced logic features and services

Master-slave axes, master-slave range selections, and master-slave cursors.

Modular design

Build on top of the Nevron Presentation Framework and Nevron DOM (Document Object Model) Framework. Custom binary and XML structured serialization.

SVG support

Nevron chart can export images with interactive features in SVG format.

Editor direct update feature

The chart editor supports a direct update feature allowing you to preview the changes in the Chart DOM instantly.

Nevron DOM Compatible

The chart is compatible with the Nevron DOM (Document Object Model), allowing you to subscribe to each property change made by code or user.

AutoRefresh property

When set to true, the control will automatically refresh when some of its properties are modified from code.

Custom Binary and Custom XML serialization

The custom serialization capabilities of the control allow for version tolerant serialization of the control state in binary and XML form.

Rendering of chart walls

Improved rendering of chart walls now allows for transparent walls. Added front and top walls.

Background Decorator

Background decorators are a special type of panel allowing you to embed background style rendering on a per-panel basis. This enables the creation of very attractive presentation-quality charts.

WinForms/Wpf Specific Features

Built in UI components

Grid and Toolbar components for WinForms. The grid is data-aware and supports proper date-time editing, fill effect, line style, and cursor type editing. The most frequently used commands are exposed by the Toolbar, which also supports custom buttons and runtime visual configuration.

Ability to leverage the video board hardware acceleration

This feature is very useful for real-time applications because it frees your CPU from drawing the chart and transfers all the rendering to the CPU of the video board.

Print Manager

Advanced built-in printing and print - preview support.

Web Forms Specific Features

AJAX Support for Web Forms

Nevron Chart for .NET supports ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX 1.0. Nevron web controls allow AJAX callback handling of the following mouse events: click, double click, move, down, and up. The web controls can be forcibly refreshed at the client-side. The auto-refresh feature is also available.

Server side events (postback) and HTML image maps

The image maps generated by the component can display tooltips, redirect the client browser to a specified URL or change the mouse cursor.

Server side persistency

The component can preserve its state across roundtrips.

Ability to inject custom client side script

With the help of this feature, you can seamlessly integrate the image maps generated from the component with any client-side VBScript or JScript.

Ability to directly stream an image to the client browser

This is an indispensable feature when building scalable and secure server-side applications.

Built-in temporary file clean up

The component automatically detects when a temporary file is expired and deletes it from the server. You can also assign a disk space usage quota for the directory holding the temporary files to ensure that you cannot exceed the space used by your web server application.

Built-in browser detection

By leveraging the power of the .NET regular expressions, you can instruct the component to generate different responses depending on the browser accessing the page.

Advanced Analysis and Statistical Features

Nevron has teamed up with CenterSpace to provide advanced .NET Numerics and Data Visualization solutions to our customers.

The need for data analysis is almost always followed by the need of data visualization. That is why Nevron Software and CenterSpace Software have teamed up to bring a complete end-to-end solution from analysis to visualization. This partnership provides our customers with a clear pathway from raw numbers to industry leading applications.

We have prepared an example project of Nevron Chart and NMath working together.
To get started, review the Nevron Chart/NMath Examples!

Bundle Purchase Discount
As part of our partnership we are offering a discounted bundle containing the Nevron Chart for .NET Enterprise Edition and CenterSpace NMath Suite. To purchase this package, please contact Nevron Sales and ask for our CenterSpace partnership discount.

Customer Quotes:

QUOTE Our internal customer was asking for a Ratings site that included gauge metrics as well as some data in charts. The Nevron controls looked like a great fit and provided many functionality options as well as the ones that met our demands. The support team, as well as code examples and forums, helped us to pinpoint the specific properties we needed to adjust. UNQUOTE

Ivan Orozco, Systems Analyst and Developer
The Chamberlain Group