Feature | Professional | Enterprise |
VS Design Time Support | | |
Number of Panels (Charts, Legends, Labels, Watermarks etc.) | unlimited | unlimited |
Number of Series | unlimited | unlimited |
Number of Data Points | unlimited | unlimited |
Number of Legend Data Items | unlimited | unlimited |
2D Charts | | |
3D Charts | | |
Automatic Data Label Layout | | |
3D Bar, XYZ Scatter Bar | | |
3D Bubble, XYZ Scatter Bubble | | |
3D Stacked Bar, XYZ Scatter Stacked Bar | | |
3D Cluster Bar, XYZ Scatter Clustered Bar | | |
3D Error Bar, 3D XYZ Scatter Error Bar | | |
3D Funnel | | |
3D Line, XYZ Scatter Line | | |
3D Pie, 3D Doughtnut | | |
3D Point, XYZ Scatter Point | | |
3D Stacked Line, XYZ Scatter Stacked Line | | |
3D Smooth Line, XYZ Smooth Line | | |
3D Step Line, XYZ Step Line | | |
3D High Low | | |
3D Vector | | |
Grid Surface | | |
Mesh Surface | | |
Triangulated Surface | | |
Vertex Surface | | |
2D Area, XY Area, DateTime Area | | |
Bar, XY Bar, DateTime Bar | | |
Bubble, XY Bubble | | |
Clustered Bar | | |
Clustered Floating Bar | | |
Floating Bar, XY Floating Bar, DateTime Floating Bar | | |
High-Low, XY High-Low, DateTime High-Low | | |
Heat Map | | |
Line, XY Line, DateTime Line | | |
Point, XY Scatter Point | | |
Smooth Line, XY Smooth Line, DateTime Smooth Line | | |
Smooth Area, XY Smooth Area, DateTime Smooth Area | | |
Step Line, XY Step Line, DateTime Step Line | | |
Stock, DateTime Stock | | |
Stacked Area | | |
Stacked Bar | | |
Stacked Line | | |
100% Stacked Bar | | |
100% Stacked Line | | |
Overlapped Line | | |
Error Bar, XY Error Bar | | |
Box and Whiskers, XY Box and Whiskers, DateTime Box and Whiskers | | |
Vector | | |
Range | | |
Pie | | |
Polar Point | | |
Polar Line | | |
Polar Area | | |
Radar Line | | |
Radar Area | | |
Stacked Radar Area | | |
100 % Stacked Radar Area | | |
Funnel | | |
Kagi | | |
Renko | | |
Point And Figure | | |
Three Line Break | | |
Trendline | | |
Tree Map | | |
Data Point Markers | | |
Data Point Labels | | |
Empty Data Points | | |
Dock Axis Anchor | | |
Cross Axis Anchor | | |
Angular Scale | | |
Numeric Scale | | |
Date / Time Scale | | |
Logarithmic Scale | | |
Ordinal Scale | | |
Hierarchical Scale | | |
Value Timeline Scale | | |
Range Timeline Scale | | |
Date Time Work Calendar | | |
Date/Time Axis Paging | | |
Numeric Axis Paging | | |
| Miscellaneous Axis Features |
Scale Sections | | |
Interlaced Strip Lines | | |
Dynamic Strip Lines | | |
Range Selections | | |
Axis Cursors | | |
Axis Const Lines | | |
Axis Stripes | | |
Axis Scrolling | | |
Automatic Scale Breaks | | |
Custom Scale Breaks | | |
View Range Inflate | | |
Ruler Caps | | |
Automatically populate from Series | | |
Manual Legend Data Items | | |
Customizing the Appearance (FillStyle, GridLines etc.) | | |
Legend Interlacing | | |
Multiple Series per Legend | | |
Multiple Charts per Legend | | |
Legend Data Item Text formatting | | |
Auto Sizing | | |
Chart | | |
Legend | | |
Label | | |
Watermark | | |
NOV Widget | | |
Antialiasing | | |
Alpha Blending | | |
Lighting | | |
Binary | | |
XML | | |
Axis Scrolling Tool | | |
Axis Cursor Tool | | |
Tooltips, Mouse Cursor | | |
Data Zoom Tool | | |
Data Pan Tool | | |
Trackball Tool | | |
Printing | | |
Export to Raster Image (PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF) | | |
Export to Vector Image (SVG, PDF, EMF/EMF+) | | |