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State Indicators

State indicators are used to display the condition of a value or metrics. They are often utlized in conjuction with other gauge elements such as numeric displays, and linear or radial gauges in digital dashboards and scorecards.

The control provides all essential functionalities for a state indicator with support for multiple ranges and states, filling, and text.

Best Practices for Using State Indicators

Avoid Clutter
Ensure the gauge is not overcrowded with too many elements, which can distract or confuse the user.

Clear Labels
Use clear, concise labels for the scale and important values.

Logical Range
Set the state indicator ranges to cover the values relevant to the application.

Intuitive Colors
Utilize colors that are intuitively understood (e.g., green for safety, red for danger).

Ensure there is enough contrast between different color zones for clear distinction as well as sufficient contrast between the state indicator and its background.