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Fill Styles

The control supports all fill styles commonly used in traditional MS Office-like applications, including solid colors, multi-color linear and radial gradients, images, a complete selection of hatch fill styles, and advanced gradients. Each fill style also comes with a corresponding MS Office-like visual editor.

Best Practices for using Fill Styles

Consistency with Application Design and Company Branding
Ensure the fill styles used reflect the company’s branding and application UI design, including colors, and background logos. This allows the control to blend nicely with the other UI elements.

Choose a fill style that provides sufficient contrast for the different chart elements.

When performance is critical prefer using single color fill styles, instead of image, hatch, or gradient styles.

Simple Frame
Choose a simple frame, like a standard single-color border frame over frames with excessive visual effects (like embossed borders), especially if the chart is not meant for presentational purposes.