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Hierarchical Scale

The table scale is a type of categorical scale that displays data extracted from the series shown on a categorical chart. Table scales are commonly used in stacked or clustered charts because they can contain many series values for a particular category. This makes the table scale an efficient way to display descriptive information about the series for a specific category in a tabular format. Optionally, the table scale can display column and row headers with the category name and series names, respectively. Various settings for the table's appearance are available, such as table grid options, label fit options, interlaced rows and columns, and more.

Best Practices for Using a Table Scale

Select Property Value Format String
The table displays the series values that scale on the axis. Those values are generated by the same rules as regular series data labels, so make sure you have proper value formatting applied for each series.

Avoid Overcrowding and long labels
Avoid using long category and series names. Long category names may become unreadable in case you have many categories in the chart. The same applies to series names, that appear as table row headers and can push the left margins of the chart, which will leave less room for the chart plot thus making it unreadable.