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Nevron Chart for SSRS Gallery

Scales, Axes, and Walls

Axis rules caps
Scale Ruler
Axis sections
Scale Sections
Axis ticks
Scale Ticks
Title positioning
Scale Title
Polar value axis position
Angular Scale
Date time scale
Date Time Scale
Logarithmic scale
Numeric Scale
Axis ordinal scale
Oridnal Scale
Range timeline scale
Range Timeline Scale
Value timeline scale
Value Timeline Scale
Hierarchical scale
Hierarchical Scale
Table scale
Table Scale


Frame 1
Background and Frame
Advanced gradient
Fill Styles
Contours and image effects 1
Stroke Styles
Contours and image effects 6
Image Filters
Material 1
Lighting and Material
Projection 4
series attributes appearance
Series Attributes
Different Bar Shapes 3D
Shapes and Markers

Functions and Line Studies

Chart basic functions add
Chart functions minimum grouped
Min, Max,
Avg. and Sum
Cumulative function chart
Simple moving average chart
Median price indicator chart
Range indicators bollinger bands
Directional movement function chart
Technical price indicators chart average true range
Tech. Price
Volume indicators chart accumulation distribution
Trend lines


Chart rectangular callout
Anchor Panels
and Annotations
Chart series legend assignment
Chart labels font size and color
Chart watermarks
Financial dashboard

Customer Quotes:

QUOTE For a project currently under development I found myself in the need of a charting control for .NET and after much cruising the net I finally settled on and purchased the Nevron WinForms .NET Chart and I will be the first to admit that price played a great part in the original decision; but the more that I worked with the component the more I began to appreciate the thought and effort that the folks at Nevron had put into it.

There are two things that Nevron gets right with their chart component and they are:
- Samples (slash Help) - In the years that I have been coding and trying components that are suppose to make a developers life easier I have come to a conclusion that component developers either hate doing good help and sample projects - or they assume that you'll be smart enough to figure it out. Well excuse me but I'm using you component to speed up the development cycle not spend hours - or days - trying to figure out how to use the component. This is not the case with Nevron - in this area they excel as the sample projects include both C# and VB.NET and they are put together in such a way that there isn't anything about using the component that you can't figure out. My hat's off to them for this and a big resounding Thank You.
- Pricing - This has got to be one of my biggest beefs (next to help files :) ) that I have with component developers. They all seem to think that application and web developers have a corporate bank account behind them - well we don't and Nevron apparently has recognized this and in turn priced an excellently full featured charting control within the financial reach of small independent developers. They should be commended for this.
The Nevron Chart component has become a permanent part of my developer toolbox and I would have no qualms against recommended it to any other developer out there - corporate or independent.

So my suggestion is head over there (link at bottom of review) and grab a copy of their demo and see for yourself. I know you won't be disappointed.

Steven Hodson