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Nevron Gauge for SharePoint Features

Gauge Types

The Gauge Web Part for SharePoint offers a full range of advanced Gauge types, State Indicators, and Numeric Displays that give you a more meaningful way to display KPIs (key performance indicators), dashboards, and other critical data.

Radial / Circular Gauges

Radial gauge 13

The Gauge Web Part Radial Gauge type displays axes, ranges and pointers in a circular fashion.

Radial Gauge Subtypes:
Radial, Quarter North East, Quarter North West, Quarter South West, Quarter South East, Half North, Half South, Half West, Half East, and Custom. When using the Custom subtype, the user can specify a custom begin angle, sweep angle, border style, etc.

Linear Gauges

Linear gauge horizontal

The Gauge Web Part Linear Gauge type displays axes, ranges and pointers in a linear fashion.

Linear Gauge Subtypes:
Horizontal and Vertical.

Numeric Display

Gauge numeric display fourteen Segment

The Gauge Web Part Numeric Display panel displays values in a fashion similar to a LED displays.

Numeric Display Styles:
Seven Segment Normal, Seven Segment Rounded, Seven Segment Rectangular, Fourteen Segment Normal, Fourteen Segment Rectangular, Fourteen SegmentInset, Matrix Rectangle, and Matrix Circle.

State Indicators

Gauge numeric display matrix rectangle

The Gauge Web Part State Indicators are supplementary gauges, typically used to visually prompt the user that a value has entered a critical range.

Gauge Web Part General Features

Easy Integration in SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint supports WSS3.0, SharePoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019. The gauge web part enhances your SharePoint dashboards, scorecards, report solutions, and KPIs in both Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and Windows SharePoint Services.

Multiple Gauge Areas

The Gauge Web Part supports an unlimited number of gauge areas. Each gauge area has its gauge type. Gauge areas can be automatically or manually arranged or even nested into one another to create sub-gauges.

Multiple Titles

The Gauge Web Part supports an unlimited number of titles, which can be manually positioned or docked to gauge, gauge areas, and gauge plot areas.

Gauge Templates

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint supports saving and loading templates. Save the gauge state from the designer to XML and then import it into a different gauge web part.

Binding to Diverse Data Sources

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint can bind to any ODBC, OLEDB, or SQLServer data source, Excel Services, Business Data Catalog, and SharePoint Lists.

Pivot Data Aggregation

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint supports advanced pivot data aggregation features with an unseen level of flexibility and ease of configuration directly inside SharePoint

Blazing Fast Gauge Designer

The Gauge for SharePoint features an advanced designer built with jQuery UI. The designer supports all major web browsers and does not require plugins (such as Silverlight or Flash). It does not use postbacks, MS ASP.NET controls, or MS AJAX, ensuring that client-server communication is minimized. The server-side UI processing is pure HTML and script rendering. The client-side is pure HTML, CSS and jQuery JavaScript.

Support for Code Customization

The Gauge Web Part supports customization through C# or VB.NET code directly in the web part editor, which allows you to use the full Nevron Chart for .NET API in SharePoint.

Gauge Types

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint supports various Radial (Circular) Gauges, Linear Gauges, Numeric Display panels, and State Indicators.

Gauge Formulas

Gauges are designed to provide data analysis to sets of numeric values. Gauge formulas can be applied to the aggregated sets of axis ranges {min and max}, ranges {begin and end} and pointer and numeric display values. Nevron Gauge for SharePoint includes various data analysis formulas like Min, Max, Average, and more.

Gauge Axes

Nevron's radial and linear gauge types support an unlimited number of axes, packed with a complete set of features designed to solve even the most complex gauge requirements.

Gauge Axes Ranges

Nevron's radial and linear gauge types support an unlimited number of ranges. Ranges help you visualize the coverage of a value range on a specific axis.

Gauge Pointers

Radial and linear gauge types support an unlimited number of pointers used to visualize a value on a certain axis. Radial gauges support numerous needle styles, and linear and radial gauges can display pointers as markers.

Gauge Axes Features

Unlimited Number of Axes per Gauge

The Gauge Web Part Radial and Linear gauge types support an unlimited number of axes, packed with a complete set of features designed to solve even the most complex gauge requirements.

Advanced Axis Positioning Options

Axes can be docked to the gauge sides (or rim) or arbitrarily positioned in the gauge model space. In addition, you have control over the begin/end axis position relative to the gauge area.

Axis Ruler

The Gauge Web Part allows control over the axis ruler position and appearance.

Axis Ticks

The Gauge Web Part supports major and minor axis ticks with control over their appearance and position.

Axis Stripes

The Gauge Axis Stripes highlight is repeating ranges of data on the gauge background, with a controllable show/hide pattern.

Axis Sections

The Gauge Axis Sections conditionally modify the appearance of axis ticks, gridlines, and labels, provided they are within a user-specified data range(s). This feature helps you highlight important ranges of data along the axis.

Label Layout

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint provides advanced axis-label layout options, which let you resolve complex axis-label overlapping cases.

Label Formatting

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint provides advanced axis-label layout options, which let you resolve complex axis-label overlapping cases. Label Formatting controls the formatting of values along numeric scales. Advanced currency, percentage, scientific, and date label formatting options are available.

Gauge Formulas

Gauges are designed to provide data analysis to sets of numeric values. Gauge formulas can be applied to the aggregated sets of axis ranges {min and max}, ranges {begin and end} and pointer and numeric display values. Nevron Gauge for SharePoint supports are the following gauge formulas:
  • Min - finds the min value from a set.
  • Max - finds the max value from a set.
  • Average - finds the average value from a set.
  • Median - finds the value that splits the set in half (e.g. half of the values are smaller than median value and half are larger).
  • First - gets the first value from a set.
  • Last - gets the last value from a set.
  • Sum - gets the sum of all values in the set.
  • Count - gets the count of the values in the set.
  • Percentile - finds the value that splits the set in a custom percent.
  • Variance - the variance is used to measure the tendency of the values in the set to deviate from the average.
  • Standard Deviation - Returns the standard deviation of the values in the set.

Gauge Web Part Rendering

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint provides support for numerous rendering properties:
  • Support for different image formats
  • Image sizing options
  • Gray scale rendering
  • On/off image map rendering
  • Control over text and geometry antialiasing
  • Control over the currently used culture settings. You can select a custom culture or synchronize the presently used culture with the user's regional settings.

Appearance Customizations

The Gauge Web Part appearance can be customized by visually editing the properties of the different gauge elements.
  • Fill Style editor - helping you define the filling of an element. Provides options for solid color, gradient, image and advanced gradient fill types.

  • Stroke Style editor - helping you define the outline/stroke of an element. Provides options for line caps and joins, line pattern and color.

  • Shadow Style editor - helping you define the shadow which is casted by an element. Provides options for solid, linear, radial blur and gaussian blur shadows.

  • Text Style editor - helping you define the default appearance of a text element. Provides options for font size and type, font filling, outline, shadow, backplane etc.

  • Frame Style editor - helping you define the frame of the component and its panels. Supports artistic/image borders.

  • Gauge Code Customization - Nevron Gauge for SharePoint supports customization through C# or VB.NET code, allowing you to use the full Nevron Chart for .NET API in SharePoint.

Competitive Advantage Features

Advanced Pivot Aggregation

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint supports advanced pivot data aggregation features with an unseen level of flexibility and ease of configuration directly inside SharePoint.

Image Filters

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint supports advanced pivot data aggregation features with an unseen level of flexibility and ease of configuration directly inside SharePoint.Nevron Gauge for SharePoint is the only gauge web part to provide Adobe Photoshop like image filter effects, applicable to all gauge elements - these include bevel, emboss, lighting filters, etc. When it comes to shadows it is the only gauge for SharePoint supporting soft shadows (based on Gaussian and Radial blur image filters).

Parameters and drill down reports

This feature allows the development of interactive dashboards and drill-down reports. Parameters can be consumed from any expression and can be passed as arguments to the newly added JumpToReport action. You can integrate parameters directly into any SharePoint page as well.

Automatic Refresh

The Gauge Web Part can be instructed to automatically refresh itself at the client-side, at user-specified intervals of time. This allows the development of real-time dashboards that automatically update themselves at the client-side through AJAX, and eliminates the need for manual web page refresh.

XML Formatted Texts

This feature applies to all elements which display text. It allows you to mix fonts, bold, italic underline formatting, and many other advanced features such as different fill styles, shadows, image filters, etc. - all inside a single label, title, etc. XML formatted texts are similar to HTML but with many more advanced options.

Blazing Fast Gauge Designer

Nevron Gauge for SharePoint features an advanced designer built with jQuery UI. The designer supports all major web browsers and does not require plugins (such as Silverlight or Flash). It does not use postbacks, MS ASP.NET controls, or MS AJAX, ensuring that client-server communication is minimized. The server-side UI processing is pure HTML and script rendering, while the client-side is pure HTML, CSS and jQuery JavaScript.

Customer Quotes:

QUOTE Nevron Vision for SharePoint provides us with a fully featured chart design tool, flexible and easy to use data connectors and a simple cost effective licensing model. These combined features have enabled our developers to quickly and efficiently create a wide range of charts from MS SQL views to SharePoint lists. The Nevron Vision for SharePoint feature set has enabled our company to produce all required charts in-house, reducing development costs and providing us with a quick ROI. UNQUOTE

Paul Savvides, System Assistant
Saudi Petroleum Overseas Ltd.