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Value formatting of the scale label depending on the value.

Posted By Fabio Olcese 9 Years Ago

Value formatting of the scale label depending on the value.

Fabio Olcese
Question Posted 9 Years Ago
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I was wondering if there was a way to format values depending on the value itself. For example in a NumerixAxis using a NLinearScaleConfigurator, if the label is a number greater or equal 1 000 000 use scientific notation otherwise just display the number.

Thanks in advance!

Nevron Support
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi Fabio,
Yes it is possible to have formatting dependent on the value - the following code shows how to create a custom value formatter which formats values greater than 1000 to 1K, 2K etc:

        class CustomValueFormatter : NValueFormatter
            public override string FormatValue(double value)
                if (value >= 1000)
                    return ((int)value / 1000).ToString() + "K";

                return value.ToString();

            public override string FormatValue(object value)
                return FormatValue((double)value);

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

            NBarSeries bar = new NBarSeries();



            NLinearScaleConfigurator linearScale = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).ScaleConfigurator as NLinearScaleConfigurator;

            linearScale.LabelValueFormatter = new CustomValueFormatter();

Hope this helps - let us know if you meet any problems or have any questions.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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